Alone or Lonely

作者: Carson找不到北 | 来源:发表于2016-09-29 15:37 被阅读26次

Same with we are born in the socially society, we  also need to live alone.

That is to say, when we have to have that interaction with the surroundings, at the same time, we are exposed to have that ability of survival on our own.

It is inevitable for us to interact with our families, friends, acquintances, schoolmates, colleagues, and strangers, as we live in this society and also we cannot live if we are isolated from society. All the substance, staff, and stuff in the society supply us with the necessarities. And we, ouselves, are the components of that holistic system.

Sometimes some interactions we cannot dispel away from our own life. It is unavoidedly annoying. What we can choose is to determine our own alone time. During our spare time, we have that privilege to plan how to go through our following life and enjoy it abundantly.

Maybe we set aside some time for our hobbies when we always enjoy them most. It is easy and comfortable that we tend to spare more time on our hobbies.

Also we are conscious to initiative some time and space for our self-inprovement. For instance, to learn a new language, or nurture a new skill technically or artistically, or just enhance our current ability to be more competent by reading books and learning courses online.

Undoubtedly, it is equally indispensible and imperative to reserve free time for doing nothing. That means, we have that deserved time just for relaxation, or by means of meditation to clear something useless from our minds. It is a good habit to have empty for the next new knowledge and experience to come in and enrich our life more colorfully. No matter what condition you are, sitting, walking, or lying, but let your mind and heart wander around freely. I can feel that benefits everytime when I refresh from the clumsy life and get more energy and fuel.

But you know what, sometimes it is hard and harsh or even embarrassing to face the aloneness confidently, especially in such a society. You have a strong desire to get someone accompanied once in a while, but you know the suitable one maybe not available. So no choice that you prefer to enjoy yourself regardless of the surroundings.

I am not afraid to be alone, as I am not at all lonely. But what I am concerned about is I will be getting used to live alone and do everything by myself, so that I will miss my right one in the future. That is why I need to remind myself frequently to be sensitive and approachable.


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