
作者: 章磊磊 | 来源:发表于2016-08-12 13:13 被阅读481次

“If something that you’re doing doesn’t challenge you, then it doesn’t change you.” Unknown”


Of course, since every one of us has room for improvement, this can also mean if you don’t change yourself, then you can’t be responsible for changing your situation in life.


Learn a new language.


Hangul,French, Filipino, Spanish: these are just some of the languages you can discover as you strive to challenge yourself. Learning a new language isn’t just another way to pad your resume; if you really get into it, you can even use this skill to tutor on the side and earn extra cash.


Figure out what you’re scared of – and do it for one week consistently.


If you’re in sales, and you’re scared of talking to people personally or over the phone, then you have a problem. You can’t just relate with your clients online, can you? Now, instead of crippling in fear and automatically thinking you’ll fail, spend at least five minutes a day to pick up the phone and make a call to a prospect. Yes, it’s scary. Yes, you may embarrass yourself. And yes, someone may hang up on you. But don’t stop on the first try just yet! You’ll get the hang of it eventually. After a while, you can look at fear in the eyes and say, “Go on, I’m not scared!”


Take a class for a hobby you’ve been wanting to pursue.


Make sure this hobby is not linked to your career; you have to relax and de-stress while performing this. Some examples might be cooking, sewing, painting and graphic designing online.


Aside from helping you challenge yourself now, taking a class for your hobby can also give you extra income if you learn how to monetize it.


Attend one career-related seminar a month.


Don’t settle for your current job position. Aim high in your career. Of course, with that aim, include in your action, too. Book conferences that are relevant to the industry of your profession. There, absorb the lesson. Ask sensible questions. And don’t forget to connect with the attendees and the keynote speakers. Sometimes, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know,” may be a reality.


Make a realistic budget and find out how you can cut back on something so you can invest more.


Challenge yourself to step out of your current budget and develop a better budget for yourself. Money management is not about what you make.


So, produce a budget on paper, or in an Microsoft Excel file.


Identify the item you’ve been spending so much money on.


Cut back on that item so you have more money to put in your emergency fund or in your investment fund.


Dedicate at least nine minutes a day for physical exercise.


You don’t need to go to the gym, you know. A simple 9-minute run around your neighborhood or an intense dance routine done in your living-room can do wonders for yourself. Aside from the obvious reason that exercise can help you maintain your regular weight or shed those unnecessary pounds, it can also aid in making you feel better about yourself by releasing endorphins.



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    流泪的芥末味冰激凌:@石灵 谢谢你的回复:smile:
    流泪的芥末味冰激凌:@石灵 就是喜欢而已,顺便想提升一下英语水平
    章磊磊: @流泪的芥末味冰激凌 你是想未来靠这个吃饭呢,还是只是兴趣爱好,英语其实不难,你坚持下去你就成功了,多花点时间,专注点。不管与外国人交流还是出国旅游,你都能用得上。
  • 柳姝:这是找虐
  • a30a3f938882:我也在努力做一些改变~心情很好!
  • bced89b34bbb:确实应该改变些

