20170616 公司请走六种人-6_types_Let_the

作者: Thinkpolo | 来源:发表于2017-06-16 23:03 被阅读0次



Type 1: “I don’t know”

If you say “I don’t know” for your work, one of the reason could be you forget it, but most likely is that you never done it before. under each circumstance, it is your negligence of duty. In reality, it is okay to don’t know everything of your work. However it is unusual to voice out “I don’t know” which reflects your careless attitude.
If you are really engaged in work, you will NOT say “I don’t know” so easily.



Type 2: “I couldn’t do”

The reason could be that I really can’t do it, but most likely is “don’t want to do it”. Neither one means you are far away from your qualified work. Nobody is born with capability, instead they are learning by doing. If you say “ I couldn’t do it” today, certainly you will say it again tomorrow.

It is not the purpose to pay you to say “ I couldn’t do it” of any company.



Type 3: “Not my fault”

When he says: “It is not my fault” when issues arise, which could be a valid excuse. But even though, it is negative mindset to step away from the his duty.  Someone might think it is an art of speech instead of mindset problem, but it might not be true.

In really, you hear this sentence commonly from children who are not capable to fulfill his duty. As an adult, you will not want to be treated as a child if you insist to say that.



Type 4: “take for granted”

You take the help for granted, one of the reason is “you don’t know the courtesy ”, but most likely is that you don’t respect people. In corporate world, it is common business to do coordination work, however it is always disturbed by someone who treats themselves as king or queen and assign you all tasks.

In the end if it failed, It seems that the problem comes from the coordinator, but the root cause it the man who “takes it for granted”.

In contrary, he will be very kind when facing the VIP person for his career life.

Be careful for such person.



Type 5: “No thanks”

You never thank for other’s help, one of the reason is “no words to match the gratitude”, but most likely is that you take it for granted of everything.

An old saying: “It is a mutual affection for you, do not help you be part.” The root cause is that he doesn’t act out of gratitude.

The worst thing is such person always do bad things. For such subordinates, please be very cautious although he is a super start and very intelligent.



Type 6: “Keep silent”

Keep silent when you see the warning signal, one of the reason is you don’t expect the danger, but most likely it is you are waiting for the results.

In corporate world, it is the management responsibility if majority is waiting for the result.

When incidents happen, besides the chief plotter, let’s get out those people who don’t dare to voice as well. Otherwise they will become the scourge sooner or later.




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    本文标题:20170616 公司请走六种人-6_types_Let_the
