but essentially, yes. |
但这么说基本没错 |
Captain's on the bridge! |
舰长到 |
Good evening, Nathan James. This is the Captain. |
晚上好内森·詹姆斯号我是舰长 |
- Shh. Heads up. - Hand on. |
-注意-等等 |
I wanted to inform you all of our progress in the mission. |
我想告知你们关于我们这次任务的进展 |
As you know, a small team entered Nicaragua |
大家都知道有一个小队进入了尼加拉瓜 |
to find primates for Dr. Scott's test, |
帮斯科特博士抓猴子 |
which she hopes will be a vaccine against the virus. |
用来测试对抗病毒的疫苗 |
While there, we encountered a drug lord |
我们在那里遇到了一个毒枭 |
who enslaved 150 people. |
他奴役了150人 |
We eliminated his men |
我们干掉了他的手下 |
and we eliminated him, |
也干掉了他 |
freeing those healthy people there |
解放了那里的健康人群 |
to establish a life for themselves. |
让他们建立自由的新生活 |
We also encountered several dozen infected people, |
我们也遇到了很多被感染的人 |
including children. |
其中包括儿童 |
Yesterday, |
昨天 |
we couldn't help them. |
我们无法帮助他们 |
But perhaps tomorrow, we will be able to, |
但也许明天我们就能帮助他们了 |
because we came back to the Nathan James |
因为我们抓了34只猴子 |
with 34 monkeys. |
回到内森·詹姆斯号 |
Dr. Scott will now conduct her trials on those monkeys. |
斯科特博士马上要用这些猴子进行试验 |
But we... |
但是我们... |
We are not waiting. |
我们不能干等 |
We're setting a course for home. |
我们设定了回家的航线 |
By the time we get there, |
当我们抵达的时候 |
we believe Dr. Scott will have a vaccine, |
斯科特博士应该就有疫苗了 |
and our mission will be completed. |
而我们的任务也将完成 |
Today's a good day. |
今天是个好日子 |
Carry on. |
继续做事吧 |
Them Kardashian girls always getting into trouble. |
卡戴珊姐妹总是惹麻烦 |
You think they're still fighting for press? |
你觉得她们还在搏版面吗 |
- No doubt. - No doubt. |
-毫无疑问-毫无疑问 |
Oh, man. I just hate reading about people breaking up. |
天哪我真不喜欢看人家分手的消息 |
I may not look it, but I'm a softie. |
我看起来可能不像但我是个感性的人 |
I like seeing people getting together. |
我希望有情人终成眷属 |
Yeah, man, I bet ya do. |
你可不就是那种人么 |
I got a theory about you. |
我知道你是怎么想的 |
You keep going on about this no fraternization business, |
你一直表现的这么不友善 |
and I think maybe you just want me to keep my grubby hands off |
我觉得可能是想让我远离 |
the girl you're sweet on. |
你喜欢的姑娘 |
You better tell me, amigo. |
你最好明说朋友 |
Don't want our swords crossin' by accident. |
我可不想无意中成了你的情敌 |
I'm just messin' with ya |
我逗你玩呢 |
'cause I already know who she is. |
因为我已经知道她是谁了 |
完整版请点击 |
Yeah, keep talking, Tex. |
接着说呀特克斯 |
All right, I will. |
我是要接着说 |
I'll bet you 10 to 1 that... |
我跟你打赌 |
she's a lieutenant, |
她是名上尉 |
and her initials are... |
她的名字缩写是 |
K.F.C. Without the "C." |
KFC没有C |
Kara. |
卡拉 |
I swear to god, if you say anything... |
我发誓你要是说出去 |
Buddy, your secret's safe with me. |
老兄我不会告诉别人的 |
Doesn't matter anyways. It's over. |
不过也无所谓了都结束了 |
Didn't look over to me. |
我看还没结束 |
Well, it is. |
结束了 |
It has to be. |
必须结束 |
Did you see Mason? |
你看到梅森了吗 |
His leg's pretty messed up. |
他的腿真是血肉模糊 |
He really didn't want to talk about what they saw out there. |
他完全不想聊他们在那儿的经历 |
Master chief looked right through me on the bridge, |
军士长在舰桥上眼神空洞 |
and nobody's seen the X.O. all day. |
一整天都没人看见大副 |
You really think Dr. Scott's close to having a vaccine? |
你真觉得斯科特博士就快研发出疫苗了吗 |
I'm not counting my chickens. |
我可不会高兴得太早 |
The captain's just trying to buck everyone up? |
那舰长只是想让大家振作起来吗 |
So we're going home then? |
我们要回家了吗 |
Seem like. |
好像是吧 |
How long will that take? |
要花多长时间 |
From here, seven to ten days, probably. |
从这里出发大概要七至十天吧 |
Not sure if we're gonna have to refuel. |
不确定我们是否得补给燃料 |
And where will that be? |
要从哪儿补给 |
It's above my pay grade, man. |
这我就不知道了哥们儿 |
Have any idea what they'll do with me? |
你知道他们会怎么处理我吗 |
Wherever we end up, I'm sure we'll find a little place |
无论我们停在哪里我相信都能找个小房间 |
to make a cell for you. |
把你关起来的 |
It's the end of days. |
世界末日了 |
You really think the Captain will bother with that? |
你真以为舰长会为此费心吗 |
He ain't gonna let you roam free. Why should he? |
他不会放了你的他干嘛要那么做 |
This is madness. |
真是疯了 |
The fate of the world hangs in the balance. |
世界的命运仍悬于一线 |
I can be of help to Dr. Scott. |
我能帮助斯科特博士 |
It was me who found the altered gene |
他们让我回实验室的时候 |
when they let me back in the lab. |
是我发现了变异基因 |
You tried to kill everyone on the ship. |
你曾打算害死船上所有人 |
And I didn't go through with it. |
我并没有付诸行动 |
I was scared, |
我当时很害怕 |
desperate to save my family from Ruskov. |
一心想从拉斯科夫手里救出我的家人 |
Look, man, I can't help you. |
兄弟我帮不了你 |
And if I could, I wouldn't. |
就算可以我也不会帮你 |
So let's just stick to chess, okay? |
所以我们还是只管下棋吧好吗 |
Save your whining for someone else |
留着你的牢骚跟别人说吧 |
or take it up with the Captain. |
或者去找舰长谈 |
Check. |
将军 |
I'm sorry. |
对不起 |
I increased the concentration of her vaccine |
我增加了给它的疫苗浓度 |
and gave her some epinephrine, |
还注射了肾上腺素 |
though I can't say that I am altogether hopeful. |
但我不敢打包票 |
But you expected this could happen. |
但你预计可能有效果 |
I expected that there might be some setbacks. |
我预计可能会遇到一些挫折 |
The virus seems to be a little bit more complicated to target |
要找出合适的病毒似乎比我预期的 |