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作者: anniequ | 来源:发表于2017-01-02 14:06 被阅读0次

    6 Types of men with love metaphors 金星火星六种相处情形

    1.She and he met at the foot of a mountain they each wanted to conquer anyway. So they went up together as partners. At the peak of the mountain, they looked back and discovered the sweat they shed together had nourished a lush forest along the way.


    2.She brought him to a forest, half envisioned and dreamt up by her. While she could see different shades tainting the sky, lights percolating the leaves on branches and hear raindrops tapping into the soil, he only saw the confusing woods and a turkey to kill and roast. After hearing what she had in her heart, he only said:”you have a large vocabulary, woman.”She eventually moved on to other scenes, like the north pole snow and the tropical sun but he stayed where he was, doodling in the soil and eating turkey.. Until 100 years later, he realized what he could have and went to look for her like a mad man..

    她带他来到一片树林,是她梦想中栩栩如生的爱情世界。她在那里可以看见朝霞在天空染下的不同色调的云彩,可以感觉到光线射穿树叶的朦胧闪亮,也可以听见雨滴坠落到土里的清冽。然而他只看到一片危险不得乱入的木头林,和几只可以打来烧烤的火鸡。当她描述了自己想要的丰沛的感情世界,他只有一句回答:”呃。。 你的词汇量好大。好有才气。” 最终她拿起背包,去体验北极冰雪,热带阳光。而他留在原地画圈,吃吃火鸡,直到100年后突然醒悟,哭着喊着要娶她。

    3.What he devised at heart could almost match hers, except her dreamy romantic world was painted with the snow, the mountain, the trees and the bird but his resembles a Greek amphitheater. Eventually, he said to her:“I am gay, I am sorry.”


    4.Neither of them had a clear idea of what love is. So they just played by ear, figuring out things on the fly. Sometimes they bumped into a forest and sometimes they were parched under the desert sun. But they stuck together.


    5.It was almost like scenario # 2, but he kept in step with her, trusting that even though he was too dumb to get the whole spectrum of emotions in a woman’s heart, he could actually always provide the turkey roast. Eventually, he started to see with his own eyes the beauty of that realm.

    基本上就是情形2的重演, 然而他一直试图跟随她想象力的脚步,尽管他无力体会欣赏一个女人感情光谱的细密度和宽度,但他傻傻的想,至少我很有用,可以烧火鸡给她吃。 最终,他能分辨出一点那块田野的美丽了。

    6.It was almost like scenario #2, but their roles switched. She was the girl in , concerned and occupied only with the survival of loved ones around her, with her head empty with any romantic ideas. But he is Peter, his heart having the abundance of words and feelings, embraced her.

    基本上就像情形2, 然而男女角色倒了过来。她是饥饿游戏里的女孩,只知道如何让自己和家人生存下去,而他是peter,有着对感情细腻的分辨力和表达,拥抱她所有的特征。




