今天,微信公号“学习学习再学习”给出了《韭菜的自我修养》的英文版,相应的书名为The Self-cultivation of Leeks。


于是,The Self-cultivation of Leeks只能理解为《韭菜的自我栽培》。不知道外国朋友看了会怎么想?
Wow, fantastic!How smart it is!
不过,在维基上一路逛,却发现了一篇学术论文,其引用次数高达2830341(截止2018.6.22)。题目为Updated world map of the Köppen–Geiger climate classification
Although now over 100 years old, the classification of climate originally formulated by Wladimir Köppen and modified by his collaborators and successors, is still in widespread use. It is widely used in teaching school and undergraduate courses on climate. It is also still in regular use by researchers across a range of disciplines as a basis for climatic regionalisation of variables and for assessing the output of global climate models. Here we have produced a new global map of climate using the Köppen-Geiger system based on a large global data set of long-term monthly precipitation and temperature station time series. Climatic variables used in the Köppen-Geiger system were calculated at each station and interpolated between stations using a two-dimensional (latitude and longitude) thin-plate spline with tension onto a 0.1°×0.1° grid for each continent. We discuss some problems in dealing with sites that are not uniquely classified into one climate type by the Köppen-Geiger system and assess the outcomes on a continent by continent basis. Globally the most common climate type by land area is BWh (14.2%, Hot desert) followed by Aw (11.5%, Tropical savannah). The updated world Köppen-Geiger climate map is freely available electronically in the Supplementary Material Section.
The classification is in use. It is used. It is in use. We have produced a map. Climatic variables were calculated. We discuss problems. The type is BWh. The map is available.
A is B.
其他看起来很复杂的部分,基本是A和B的修饰语,或者是对“A is B”整句的补充说明。