
作者: 边走边错 | 来源:发表于2017-04-11 23:32 被阅读0次


1.看一看回忆,是云朵一朵朵的飘过,若想回头,就无法翱翔。(when recall oldays under the clouds, it is time pass silently and however beautiful in these days,if you want to go distance places you can not go back oldays.)


2.办不到的承诺就成了枷锁,现实中幸福永远缺货(you will feel a little anxiety, when you can not achieve your own expectation,and the happiness seems less in real life because trouble as if a friend company us.)

~林俊杰《我还想她》JJ I still remember her

3.等不到天黑,烟火不会太完美(untill the sky dark,you will see gorgerous fireworks )

~林俊杰《她说》JJ her spoken

4.泪湿的衣洗干净阳光里晒干回忆,折好了伤心明天起只和快乐出去(washing the clothes with tears and waking out the memory under the sun, then I parcel the sad and go out with smile and satisfy tommorrow)

5.离开你,我才发现自己,那爱笑的眼睛,流过泪,像躲不过的暴风雨,淋湿的昨天删去,离开你,我才找回自己,那爱笑的眼睛,再见爱情,我一定让自己,让自己坚定(when I left you, I found many funny things and for these I can smile truthfully with my teared fall like rain eyes, now I can force myself forgot the old days,when I left you, I found myself and my glitter eyes,I hope when I meet you I can do myself firmly)

~林俊杰《爱笑的眼睛》JJ The eyes with smile

6.全都怪我,不该沉默时沉默,该勇敢时软弱(It is freak me,when needed silently,I am not . It is time to brave, me neither)

~林俊杰《可惜没如果》JJ It is a pity we can not show again

7.等到黑夜翻面之后,会是新的白昼,等到海啸退去之后,只是潮起潮落(you can see a bright day when darkness went, the same time,It just ups and downs,when ground sea vanished )

8.心脏没有那么脆弱,总还会有执着,人生不会只有收获 总难免有伤口,不要害怕生命中 不完美的角落,阳光在每个裂缝中散落,不如就勇敢打破 生命中的裂缝(your heart is stronger than you imagine and stubborn,it is balance about getting or losing.you don not worry the faulty in life because the sun shine every corner and you just to accept the faulty then rectify them )

~林俊杰《裂缝中的阳光》JJ the sunshine of the flaw

8.修炼爱情的心酸,学会放好以前的渴望,我们那些信仰,要忘记多难,远距离的欣赏 近距离的迷惘,谁说太阳会找到月亮,别人有的爱,我们不可能模仿(taste  the  sour of love,then pack up the  ever desire,it  is hard to forgete believes,we  should  learn  far appreciations and  near problems,wheather  the sun  can  found  moon  or  not, we  can  not  imitate  their  love)

~林俊杰《修炼爱情》JJ taste the love




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