Day 1-2
1. traumatise ['trɔ:mətaɪz] v.由外伤引起的病态症状; 外伤
~ sb 使受精神创伤 to shock and upset sb very much, often making them unable to think or work normally
2. senseless ['sensləs] adj.失去知觉,无意义的,不明智的
not using good judgement
E.g. There can be no justification for such a senseless act of violence.
3. fuelling n.加油/v "fuel"的现在分词
E.g. It might seem as if recent studies on children's grasp of advertising are fuelling the debate rather than settling it.
4. perversion [pə(r)'vɜː(r)ʃ(ə)n] n.
the act of changing sth that is good or right into sth that is bad or wrong 歪曲;颠倒是非
E.g. Many attacked it as a perversion of free-market economics and a departure from Reagan-style liberalism.
5. abhor [əb'hɔ:(r)] v. (abhorred-abhorred / abhorring)
~ sth (尤指因道德原因而)憎恨,厌恶,憎恶to hate sth, for example a way of behaving or thinking, especially for moral reasons
E.g. Most people abhor the criminal of kidnapping the children.
6. driver ['draɪvə(r)] n.
one of the main things that influence sth or cause it to make progress 驱动因素 = factor / force
E.g. Researchers say that climate change is a significant driver behind the coral loss.
7. havoc ['hævək] n./v.
a situation in which there is a lot of damage
E.g. It was almost as if the Italian police had a private agreement with the Roma fans to stand off them and let them wreak havoc.
wreck havoc: 重大破坏,毁灭的
8. acculturation [əˌkʌltʃə'reɪʃ(ə)n] n.
a change in the cultural behavior and thinking of a person or group of people through contact with another culture
9. odd [ɒd] adj./ n.
不成对的;不相配的 not with the pair or set that it belongs to; not matching
at odd with 与......不一致
10. embrace [ɪm'breɪs] n./v.
v. ~ sth 欣然接受,乐意采纳(思想、建议等);信奉(宗教、信仰等)to accept an idea, a proposal, a set of beliefs, etc., especially when it is done with enthusiasm
E.g. Dorothea was altogether captivated by the wide embrace of this conception.
11. morally brankrupt manifesto
此处:~ (of sth) 完全缺乏(有价值的东西)completely lacking in anything that has value
manifesto [.mænɪ'festəʊ] n.
a written statement in which a group of people, especially a political party, explain their beliefs and say what they will do if they win an election
SYN declaration,statement
E.g.: It was The Communist Manifesto which predicted that capitalism would become global, and that its inequalities would severely sharpen.
12. susceptible [səˈseptəbl] adj.
~ to sth easily influenced or harmed by sth 易受某事物影响或损害
E.g. highly susceptible to flattery
13. at-risk adj.
in potentially dangerous situation: exposed to danger or harm of some kind.
14. concerted [kənˈsɜːtɪd] adj.
[usu attrib 通常作定语] arranged or done in co-operation 共同筹划的; 合作的
E.g.: a concerted effort, attack, campaign
concerted action by several police forces 警方数部门的联合行动
SYN =joint /combined / united
settle on :decide on; choose
at fault : be responsible or blame for something; guilty as charged 有责任
at of terror : 恐怖活动 act of war 战争活动
be akin to :~ to sth相似的;类似的 similar to
in the name of :on behalf of, for the benefit of
a handful of:一把,少量的
adj.=a n+ful of: a spoonful of 一勺的, a bowlful of 一碗的
on account of :owing to,because of,due to 由于/ 因为
contributing factor:主要表示的是起作用的因素;影响因素
play an significant role: 发挥重大作用
拓展: exert a powerful influence / plays a greater part / play a decisive (crucial) role
in exchange for: as a substitute for, in place of
E.g. In exchange for all this, Caravaggio undertook a painting for the Knights' cathedral.
bring on: cause, to be the cause of something happening or appearing
E.g. exhaustion brought on by overwork
A bring on B : A 导致B(A是原因,B是结果)
A bring on by B: B 引起A (A是结果,B是原因)
shift sth from A to B
~ sth (from A to/onto B) transfer sth 转移或转换某事物
E.g. Don't try to shift the responsibility onto others: you must do the job yourself.
nothing can be worse for sb, than ...
= for sb, nothing can be worse than...
sometimes spelled Koran, is the holy book of Islam. The Qur'an is considered by Muslims to be "The Word of Allah (God)". This book is different from other religious texts in that it is believed to be written directly by God, through the prophet Muhammad. Some Muslims call it the Final Testament.
It has been written and read only in Arabic for more than 1,400 years. But, because many Muslims around the world do not understand Arabic, the meaning of the Qur'an is also given in other languages, so that readers can understand better what the Arabic words in the Qur'an mean. These books are like dictionaries to the Qur'an - they are not read as part of the religion of Islam, to replace the Arabic Qur'an. Muslims believe that these translations are not the true Qur'an; only the Arabic copy is the true Qur'an.[1] The Quran is used with the hadith to interpret sharia law.
jihadi n.圣战者
Jihad (English pronunciation: /dʒɪˈhɑːd/; Arabic: جهاد jihād [dʒɪˈhaːd]) is an Arabic word which literally means striving or struggling, especially with a praiseworthy aim. It can have many shades of meaning in an Islamic context, such as struggle against one's evil inclinations, or efforts toward the moral betterment of society. In classical Islamic law, the term refers to armed struggle against unbelievers, while modernist Islamic scholars generally equate military jihad with defensive warfare. In Sufi and pious circles, spiritual and moral jihad has been traditionally emphasized under the name of greater jihad. The term has gained additional attention in recent decades through its use by terrorist groups.
socioeconomic 社会经济学
the social science that studies how economic activity affects and is shaped by social processes. In general it analyzes how societies progress, stagnate, or regress because of their local or regional economy, or the global economy.
cultural psychiatry 比较精神病学/文化精神病学
Gang Culture
A gang is a group of recurrently associating individuals or close friends or family with identifiable leadership and internal organization, identifying with or claiming control over territory in a community, and engaging either individually or collectively in violent or illegal behavior. Some criminal gang members are "jumped in" or have to prove their loyalty by committing acts such as theft or violence. A member of a gang may be called a gangster or a thug.
community policing ( community-oriented policing)
a strategy of policing that focuses on police building ties and working closely with members of the communities.
In the United States, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 established the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) within the Justice Department to promote community policing.
Community policing is a policy that requires police to inherit a proactive approach to address public safety concerns. Community-oriented policing was a cornerstone of the Clinton Administration and gained its funding from the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act. The overall assessment of community oriented policing is positive, as both officers and community members attest to its effectiveness in reducing crime and raising the sense of security in a community.
Community engagement
it refers to the process by which community benefit organizations and individuals build ongoing, permanent relationships for the purpose of applying a collective vision for the benefit of a community. While community organizing involves the process of building a grassroots movement involving communities, community engagement primarily deals with the practice of moving communities toward change, usually from a stalled or similarly suspended position.
Day 3-4
1.Some will have you believe that Islam is at fault since verses of the Qur’an legitimize such violence, while their opponents point out that the ideology fuelling these acts of terror is a twisted perversion of the religion.
verses of : Ns+of 许多= many
Have sb do sth=let sb do sth=make sb do sth
Be at fault:deserving blame
2.Western policy has often been cited as an important driver, but there are countless law-abiding British citizens of all faiths who disagree with recent foreign policy who do not feel compelled to wreak bloody havoc on account of it.
反思:理解两个who与countless law-abiding British citizens的关系。
两个who并列修饰countless law-abiding British citizens。两个who后面的内容在逻辑上是转折关系,无数不赞成外交政策的人,并没有因此气急败坏,相反,他们遵纪守法。
3.For those who find themselves at odds with the culture of their parents, and yet are met with hostility from the culture of the society they live in, exiting the acculturation paradigm to embrace a third culture that provides them with a sense of belonging may be an appealing option. In this case their minds become fertile ground for radicalization.
反思:“yet are met with hostility from the culture of the society they live in"这句自己的翻译可以修改简化。
4.Perhaps the low self-esteem brought on by marginalization is the mediator here, traded readily by some disaffected Muslim youths for the perceived sense of purpose and status associated with being a jihadi.
Perceived sense of:perceived这个词应该来说是英语里特别精妙的一个词。指的是自己的主观认知,通常与客观事实都有一段距离。 What you perceive is just your interpretation of the reality instead of the reality itself.
5. Although the factors that lead to radicalization are still poorly understood, and are as complex as the acts of terror are devastating, some common themes are evident, and we should respond accordingly.
反思:这个句子需要理解句子的结构。本句主干是 Although factors are complex, some common themes are evident.
1. Feel compelled to do sth: 感到被迫做某事
=be forced or obliged to do sth
2. Pose a challenge for: 构成(形成)挑战 带来挑战
3. Radical extremist faction 极端主义阵营 激进的极端派别
4. Be highly susceptible to jihadi rhetoric 非常容易以圣战为借口 极易受圣战组织言论影响
Be highly susceptible to sth:极易受...影响
5. Counter-narrative 反叙事 相反的论调
6. Address the factors 解决问题 解决这些因素
Address是万能词,address the issue/problem/factors/
7. Take a fresh approach to 采取新的办法/措施 采取全新方式
fresh =new 新的;不同的 new or different in a way that adds to or replaces sth


分析: 导师逻辑导图采取的角度可以更好的来概括全文的内容,相比下,我的逻辑导图只是简单的从两个方面来分析原因。但事实上,整篇文章涉及的影响因素是很多的。我为了将导图设计的整齐统一,舍弃了一些内容。

Day 5
Since thousands of years ago, the emergence of religion. And religion is regarded as a spiritual sustenance that could help people ease their pains and sufferings. Although I am not a believer, I hold the view that religious should not be lay the blame for act of terror. On the contrary, religious convince the living of the innocent casualties who could go to the paradise to relieve the living's distress and psychological burden. Actually, people do some irrational activities in excuse of reasons that seems reasonable and logical. From the history, we could know that human beings are good at find a pretext in order to fulfill their own ambitions. Now the most important is how can we protect our security. We should take joint efforts rather than separate. Nothing can be worse for all mankind who care to peace, than to face the passing away of innocent lives.
Day 6