
作者: Carson找不到北 | 来源:发表于2016-09-09 15:10 被阅读9次

"There is only one heroism in the world: to see the world as it is and to love it." --Romain Rolland

We human beings always do some ridiculous things. A typical one is, to prove a lot of things to a lot of people.

That is really nonsense to waste so much time, energy and effort on something meaningless and somebody we do not care.

Sometimes we just persue a sense of success or achievement, to show others that I also can do like that or I am better than you.

For what? Not tired?

Just let it go, okay?!

Our brains and our minds always give us a wrong signal transported from the inner thoughts which shaped strongly in our daily life.

So the right thing is, to be ourself and, to appreciate, to observe, to show love whole-heartedly. We ourselves have our reasons to be/do like that, also the others have their causes to show their characters to the world. There is no right or wrong, it is mainly about subjectivity.

It should be natural to see something or somebody without judgement, as like when we enjoy the pretty of the nature, as like when we see the oceans harmoniously with the blue sky, as like when we totally indulge in the nature.

But the reality is relatively disappointing. The pressure which comes from the family, friends, and the society makes us confused and misunderstood in many aspects. We want to show them our abilities, we want to prove ouselves to have capable skills, we want to show off, but, in a wrong way.

When we excessively regard how others see us as more important, it is hazardous to take the following actions. It is ourselves rather than others who deside our lifes.

Less empty, more practical. Less ridiculous, more sincere and genuine.


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