- 诗词西韵 (39) Northwestern Universit
- 2018-08-03Northwestern Universit
- 诗词西韵 (16) Migrating birds (雪雁)
- 诗词西韵 (21) Mom in a rainy night (
- 诗词西韵 (17) Niagara Fall in the Wi
- 诗词西韵 (42) Waterfalls running af
- 诗词西韵 (20) The seed (西江月 种子颂)
- 诗词西韵 (43) A remorse of an empero
- 诗词西韵 (32) Resurrection of old me
- 诗词西韵 (31) Sixteen syllables 十六字令
诗词西韵 (39) Northwestern University 五律 西北望
振公子 (2018 年 7 月 19日)
The vast, blue, and mighty Lake Michigan
Stretches endlessly to the azure heaven
Against the waves floats a lonely boat
A brave girl swings a paddle and moves slow
A great source of fountain for many streams
The Northwestern welcomes the talent teams
Of over twenty thousand members strong
Leading the tides of arts and sciences yearlong
No skyscrapers can be found on campus
Each aims high to uncover the treasures
五律 西北望
振公子 (2017 年 7 月)
注:伊甸园,桃源,生五水,流注天下, 借指美国西北大学美丽的校园。西北大学的Richard Silverman 教授发明了一种新药,从辉瑞药厂那拿到专利版权后,捐赠给西北大学5亿美元建了一栋科研楼,就在密执安湖边上。
(中文英文和图片皆为振公子原创,版权所有©, 总第0328号)
诗词西韵 (39) Northwestern University 五律 西北望美国西北大学校园一角