1. 攀西国家战略资源创新开发试验区 National Strategic Resources Innovation and Development Pilot Zone in Panzhihua-Xichang area
2. 西昌卫星发射基地 Xichang Satellite Launch Center
3. 毕摩文化 Bimo Culture
4. 彝族漆器艺术 Yi’s Lacquer Art
5. 安宁河谷平原 Anning River Valley Plain
6. 农民人均可支配收入 per capita disposable income of farmers
7. 西电东送项目 West-to-East Power Transmission Project
8. 全国公安一级英模 First-class Hero at National Public Security Level
9. 部级荣誉称号 ministerial honor titles
10. 国家对外文化贸易基地 National Base for International Cultural Trade
11.湖南省农业科学院 Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences
12. 国际文化贸易企业集聚中心 、国际文化产品展览展示及仓储物流中心、国际文化商品交易服务中心 International Center for Cultural Trade Enterprises, International Cultural Products Center & Warehousing and Logistics Center, and International Trading Service Center (沿用他人的译法)
13. 湖南省蔬菜研究所 Hunan Vegetable Research Institutes
14. 国家科技进步二等奖 the Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award
15. 国家辣椒新品种技术推广中心National Promotion Center of New Pepper Varieties
16. 园艺学科华中蔬菜观测试验站Observation and Experiment Station of Horticultural Science Vegetables in Central China
17. 茄果类蔬菜资源利用与研究湖南省重点实验室Hunan Key Labs for Utilization and Research of Solanaceous Vegetables
18. 湖南省和长沙市蔬菜工程与技术研究中心Hunan and Changsha Centers for Vegetables Engineering and Technical Research
18. 柬埔寨温州职业技术学院亚龙丝路学院 Yalong Silk Road College in Cambodia under Wenzhou Vocational & Technical College
19. 柬埔寨劳动职业培训部、柬埔寨国家技术培训学院、亚龙智能装备集团
Combodia Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MLOVT), Cambodia National Technical Training Institute (NTTI) and Yalong Intelligent Equipment Group
20. 柬埔寨暹粒地区理工学院 Institute of Technology of Cambodia in Siem Reap
21. 全国创新创业典型经验高校 National College and University with Innovation and Entrepreneurship Experiences
22. 国家级众创空间、浙江省优秀众创空间 National Mass Makerspace and Zhejiang Excellent Mass Makerspace
23. 中国—东盟教育交流周China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week (CAECW)