

作者: 止沙 | 来源:发表于2019-08-11 17:38 被阅读6次



Ne Zha shaping up to be movie of the summer


A crossover video featuring (以……为特色)Nezha and Monkey King, two of Chinese people's favorite mythological figures, was released Monday to promote the animated feature(电影) Ne Zha which hit the big screens across China Friday.

哪吒和孙悟空是中国人民最喜爱的两个神话人物,周一,一个“哪吒 X 大圣联动视频”新鲜出炉,该视频是为了宣传动画电影《哪吒之魔童降世》,电影已于周五在中国各大电影院上映。

Weibo users commented that the fun interaction between the two legendary heroes convulsed (让某人发抖)them with laughter with many tagging(给……标记,或艾特某人) their friends to watch the video.



On China's major film reviewing site Douban, the film has scored 8.8 points out of 10. "Epic! I finished watching Ne Zha in tears. The content-rich story, vivid characters, and amazing visual effects, work together to create a 110-minute roller-coaster watching experience," a Douban user commented.


在中国主要的影评网站豆瓣上,这部电影的评分高达 8.8 分(满分 10 分)。一位豆瓣用户评论道:“太棒了!我含泪看完了《哪吒》。饱满的故事、生动的人物和令人惊叹的视觉效果,给了我 110 分钟如同坐过山车般的观影体验。”

In many audiences' minds, Ne Zha and Monkey King share a lot in common. On the one hand, both are lone dissidents and fighters, refusing to resign(投降) themselves to destiny. On the other hand, the two mythological figures have been recreated with bold innovation, giving audiences a brand-new take on the two classic images through animation.


The first-ever interaction between Ne Zha and Monkey King was made possible thanks to the friendship between Ne Zha's director Jiaozi, and Tian Xiaopeng, director of Monkey King: Hero is Back.


Tian knew of Jiaozi and reached out to him following the success of his maiden film. Days earlier, Tian also posted a blog on his Weibo account suggesting that Jiaozi and Ne Zha have unlimited potential.


Jiaozi also commended Tian's influence on him. The sweeping success of Hero is Back enabled many domestic animators to see Chinese audiences' support for quality animation productions, which reinforced the young director's determination to go all out to create premium animations.



shape up  发展为...,进展得...

例句:Things seem to be shaping up nicely.

feature/ˈfiːtʃər/  v. 以…为特色;给…以显著的地位;以某人为主角

词性拓展:feature(n. 特色)

例句:The film features Anne Hathaway as the heroine.

mythological/ˌmɪθəˈlɑːdʒɪkl/  adj. 神话中的

词性拓展:myth(n. 神话)

例句:The unicorn is a mythological creature.

feature/ˈfiːtʃər/  n.(长片)电影

同义词:feature film

the big screen  电影;影坛

例句:He soon returned to the big screen.

convulse/kənˈvʌls/  v.(使)剧烈抖动;(使)抽搐

英文释义:to cause a sudden shaking movement in somebody’s body

例句:He was convulsed with anger.

tag/tæɡ/  v. 打上标签;(社交媒体上)@某人,标注某人

词性拓展:tag(n. 标签)

epic/ˈepɪk/  adj. 史诗般的;极好的

例句:That night was epic.

roller coaster  过山车;急剧的变化

英文释义:a situation that keeps changing very quickly

例句:I'm on an emotional roller coaster.

lone/loʊn/  adj. 单独的,独自的

词义辨析:lone, alone, lonely

lone 表示“单独的,独自的”,强调“没有其他伙伴”,比如:一个独自上路的旅行者,a lone traveller,一个唯一的幸存者,a lone survivor;而 lonely 带有更强的感情色彩,表示“寂寞的”;而 alone 强调客观上“一个人的”,比如:I don’t feel lonely when I'm alone. 我一个人,但是不感到寂寞。

dissident/ˈdɪsɪdənt/  n. 异议分子,持不同意见者

搭配短语:political dissidents

take/teɪk/  n. 看法,认识

英文释义:a distinct or personal point of view or assessment

例句:What's your take on China's recent developments?

reach out to sb.  与(某人)沟通、联系

英文释义:to try to communicate with a person, usually in order to help him or her

maiden/ˈmeɪdn/  adj. 首次的,初次的

词性拓展:maiden(n. 女孩,少女)

英文释义:being the first of its type

搭配短语:his maiden appearance on TV

unlimited/ʌnˈlɪmɪtɪd/  adj. 无穷的,不受限制的


相关词汇:limited(adj. 有限的,少量的)

搭配短语:unlimited space

sweeping/ˈswiːpɪŋ/  adj. 影响广泛的;大的

词性拓展:sweep(v. 风行,风靡)

英文释义:affecting many things or people;large

搭配短语:a sweeping reform

搭配短语:sweeping cuts

domestic/dəˈmestɪk/  adj. 家庭的;国内的

搭配短语:domestic chores

搭配短语:domestic flights

go all out  全力以赴,竭尽全力

英文释义:to try very hard to do sth.

搭配短语:go all out for sth.

例句:The team went all out for a win.

搭配短语:go all out to do sth.

premium/ˈpriːmiəm/  adj.(品质)高级的,优质的


搭配短语:premium ice cream



