
作者: 微笑面对吧 | 来源:发表于2017-04-30 15:00 被阅读0次
    .  这是我的老家,这里住着一对慈祥的老夫妇,就是我的爷爷和奶奶,这栋楼大约20米高25米宽,它为于正西,很通风,凉爽。This is my hometown, there lived a kind old couple, is my grandpa and grandma, about 20 meters high building 25 meters wide, it is in the illicit affair, ventilation, very cool. 这是火房(他们这样称),曾经我爸爸,姑姑,叔叔在这里吃饭,玩闹过!This is fire (they say), once my dad, aunt, uncle eat here and play! 这是一部"古董"床了,奶奶不知道在这里已经度过了多少个夜晚。This is a "antique" bed, grandma don't know how many nights have spent here. 这个菜园种过西瓜、香蕉、桂花树、小菜、玉米等。许多次回来都能看到爷爷辛劳的背影。The garden planted watermelon, banana, greening, side dishes, such as corn. Many times come back to see grandpa toil of figure. 这是是爷爷参加工作到退休的办公桌,这张办公桌对于爷爷来说贡献非常大,意义非凡。因为它见证了爷爷一直以来的努力工作,也为爷爷在工作上提供了便利。This is grandpa's desk to work until retirement, this piece of desk for grandpa contribution is very big, is significant. Because it witnessed the grandpa always work hard, also provides convenience for grandpa on the job. 这老式的水泥台阶,留学生下了许多脚印与回忆。爸爸说这有62层,我觉得这是一个很吉利的数字。This old concrete steps, left many footprints and memories. Dad said that the 62 stories, I think this is a very lucky number.



