

作者: 英语学习社 | 来源:发表于2018-04-09 20:07 被阅读11次


    China removes four news apps from smartphone stores

    The mobile apps for four popular news apps in China, including the most popularaggregator[1], Jinri Toutiao [今日头条], were removed from a number of Chinese smartphone app stores following reports of a crackdown by the country's media watchdog.

    [1]aggregator:a person or organization that collects information from the internet pages of other businesses and puts it on a single website (搜集其他公司信息并公布于某一网站的)网络信息整合人(或公司)

    Toutiao, with about 120 million daily active users, was not available on the app stores of smartphone manufacturers Xiaomi and Meizu on Monday afternoon. The apps for Tiantian Kuaibao [天天快报], Netease News [网易新闻] and Ifeng News [凤凰新闻] were also not found on Xiaomi.

    China's authorities have asked several of the country's smartphone app stores to remove the four apps by 3pm on Monday as part of efforts to “regulate order in the broadcasting environment”, according to Chinese news portalSohu.com. The apps will be removed for between three days to three weeks, with Toutiao being offline for the longest period, according to the Sohu report.

    搜狐科技报道称,相关部门下发内容为“为依法规范传播秩序(regulate order in the broadcasting environment),各互联网应用商店暂停今日头条、凤凰新闻、网易新闻和天天快报四款移动应用程序的下载服务”。

    China has been tightening its control of the internet,clamping down on[2] content deemed inappropriate. China’s top media watchdog, the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film, and Television*, last weeksingled out[3] Jinri Toutiao and short video app Kuaishou [快手] for disregarding regulations and “disrupting order” in the online media and entertainment industry last week. Kuaishou has since said it will add another 3,000 employees to police content.

    *「国家新闻出版广电总局」2018年3月起已不复存在,重新设立了「国家广播电视总局」State Administration of Radio and Television

    本月4日,国家广播电视总局还曾发文表示,“今日头条”和“快手”两家网站播出有违社会道德节目等问题,在不具备《信息网络传播视听节目许可证》的情况下持续顶风拓展视听节目服务,扰乱网络视听行业秩序(disrupting order in the online media and entertainment industry)。

    [2]clamp down on sth:to take strong action to stop or limit a harmful or unwanted activity 取缔;严禁;强行限制;压制

    The government is clamping down on teenage drinking.


    [3]single sb/sth out:to choose one person or thing from a group for special attention, especially criticism or praise (为给予批评、表扬等)单独挑出

    It's not fair the way my sister is always singled out for special treatment.


    The removal from popular app stores would hurt Toutiao's ability to attract new Android users. The app could still be found on Apple's China app store as of the time of publication.

    截至发文,Apple的中国区App Store里仍然可搜索到「今日头条」。

    Representatives for Toutiao, Ifeng, Meizu and Kuaibao's developerTencent,did not immediately respond toattempts to contact them for comment.Xiaomideclined to comment, while a Netease representative said the company was unlikely to comment.



