

作者: Wind教口语 | 来源:发表于2018-02-28 21:37 被阅读52次


我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟美剧, 已经坚持7个月了. 你想不想找一种轻松愉快的方式提升自己的英语? 跟我一起每天做听写吧!


每天早上我会创作一张Wind大长图, 精讲1分钟美剧对白. 每天我会从大长图中节选一条讲解放在这里. 想要学习完整的Wind大长图, 欢迎加入甩掉字幕社群~

There is no dishonor in having a disability, and I won't let anyone diss my ability, but I don't want anyone's pity either

dishonor=n 羞耻 v 把羞耻带给某人
Honor has to do with respect, so dishonor involves a lack of respect.
When a politician is involved in a scandal, it brings dishonor to his or her reputation.
Athletes who cheat during a game have dishonored themselves and their teams.

diss=v 用言语羞辱
随着中国有嘻哈的爆红, diss这个词也算是火了一把
diss可以看作是disrespect或dismiss的缩略, 表示对某人出言不逊, 侮辱
If he disses me again, I'll hit him.
The student who had betrayed his classmate was dissed by everyone
这里用diss my ability是和disabilily放在一起, 做了一个word play. 因为what I have isn't just a disability, but also an ability. I won't let people diss my ability.


从第141篇开始, 我不再放出我自己听写的版本, 而是改为在答案上标记重难点, 大家特别注意一下我加粗的地方.

1 There is no dishonor in having a disability, and I won't let anyone diss my ability, but I don't want anyone's pity either.
有一个残疾并不羞耻, 我不会让任何人侮辱我的能力, 但是我也不想要任何人的可怜

2 I will not use the obstacles I face as an excuse for having a pity party.
我不会用我所面临的困难, 作为一个借口, 来自我怜惜或求得别人的怜悯

3 I will practice harder, play harder, and push myself harder to keep getting better.
我会更努力地练习, 更努力地打球, 更用力地push自己, 让自己变得更优秀

4 Last season I started on my varsity high school basketball team as a freshman and I won Rookie of the year. Um, I was one of the top scorers on the team, so...
上一个赛季, 我作为高一的新生, 加入了校篮球队, 并且获得了年度新人奖. 嗯, 我是球队里得分最多的投手之一, 所以...

6 One of the things that I find funny is that people judge me by appearance.
有一件事我觉得蛮有趣, 人们总是会因为我的外表而对我做出判断

7 They say, "Oh, look at this one-handed whitey with the limp. I don't want him on my team, you know"
他们会说: 噢, 瞧那个一只手的走路一瘸一拐的白人家伙. 我可不想让他加入我的球队, 你懂的

9 But what they don't know is that I don't just have a disability, I have an ability.
但是他们不知道的是: 我不光有一个残疾, 我还有一个能力.


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