4月确定了订单(当时汇率6.85), 客户先付了20%订金,但要求CE认证通过才能生产,CE到9月刚做好,现在汇率6.55。
生产还需要一个月。客人的80%尾款是发货前付款。 现在环保审核,材料又上涨,想至少涨价5%,怎么谈? 给客户涨完价,万一这个月生产完汇率又降了,怎么办?
Dear Mark, How are you?
1. We are glad to tell you that finally our CE certificate comes out, please find attachment.
很高兴告诉你,最后我们的CE证书出来了,请见附件。 Tips:先报喜,给一个愉悦的心情。
2.Did you hear about central environmental protection inspection in China? Many polluting factories are forced to shut down, so it caused a great increase on iron ore price, and Aluminium price also increase to the highest level.
Tips: 摆出中国实情。
It also affect us a lot, and our raw material price increased 6% these months.
Tips: 加上原材料价格,有缓和余地。
Moreover, in April 1USD=6.85RMB, now 1USD=6.55RMB, RMB appreciate around 5%. 而且,在四月,1USD=6.85RMB,现在1USD=6.55RMB,人民币升值5%。
Tips: 摆出实情,让客户信服。
3. Mark, you are my old friend, we want to keep the original price, but facing a very big loss, it’s indeed very difficult for us, we have no choice but to increase the price.
Mark, 你是我的老朋友,我们想保持原价,但是面临着巨大的损失,处境真的很难,我们别无选择只能涨价。
Tips: 打感情牌,老朋友,帮个忙。
Price should increase by 11%, but we’d like to bear the 4% cost together with you, and increase only 7% this time. 价格应该涨11%,但是我们想和你一起承担4%,这次只涨7%。
Tips: 表示为客户着想,我和你一起承担。
Please confirm by return, Thank you in advance. 请确认回来,提前表示感谢。
如果客户不同意 准备第二封邮件:
Tips: 谈判的时候需要给自己准备plan B。 Dear Mark,
Thank you for your fast reply. We understand your feeling very well. 谢谢你快速回复,我们很理解你的心情。(表明态度)
How about this way? After double check with our accounting department, we’d like to bear another 2% more, and only increase 5%.
这样做如何?和财务部再次确认,我们再承担2%,只涨价5%。 (再次让步)
Please kindly understand that this is indeed the best we can do. 请理解我们,这真的是我们能做到的最好的程度了。
To support you, we bear all the CE certificate cost this time by ourselves. It is also a very big cost to us.
为了支持你,我们承担了所有CE证书的费用,那也是一笔很大的费用。 Tips:摆出我们之前做的努力。
Please confirm by return. Thank you very much for your understanding. 请确认回来,谢谢你的理解。
P.S. Please kindly note that RMB appreciate sharply these days, if RMB appreciate within 2%, we will bear the loss. If over 2%, we have to adjust price accordingly. Thank you very much for your understanding.
另附:请注意,RMB最近升值很厉害,如果升值在2%以内,我们会承担这个损失,如果超过2%,我们只能相应调整价格,谢谢你的理解。 (为后续做铺垫)