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The Gay Genius: Ch 26-Romance wi

The Gay Genius: Ch 26-Romance wi

作者: f5cbc22a4a57 | 来源:发表于2018-01-03 20:25 被阅读28次


When one decided to eat no more meat, one should not make a resolution never to eat it. He should first try for a three-month period, which was easier to carry out. At the end of the three months one could extend it another three months, and so on.

很意外今天的阅读能够收获到这个方法,虽然道理不再新,但我没想到能从苏东坡的文字里看到这个办法,有一种 “真理永流传” 的感觉。其实很多道理都源于生活,一如本章节里提到的苏东坡已然达到生活简朴,思无邪的思想高度。这和我们近几年一直提倡的 “极简生活”,“断舍离”,不也是有异曲同工之妙么?


She adored the poet and tried to grow to her husband’s spiritual level.

同样朴实的道理,夫妻间的互敬互重,互相学习进步,保持精神上的同步成长与有效沟通,方能携手一生。否则要么惨淡收场,要么相敬如 “冰”,那些所谓的为了对方为了家庭而放弃自己成长进步的人,并不值得同情,只应了那句 “可怜之人必又可恨之处” 罢了~

Words and Expressions:

But deep personal sorrow now befell Su Tungpo.

befall, 动词,表示 “不幸或不好的事降临到…头上”, something bad or unpleasant happens to someone; 注意区别近义词 happen 的用法,happen to 可以指好事也可指坏事;
例句:The drought was only one of many hardships to befall the small country.

Unfortunately, there was no magic to stay the march of time.

the march of time,书面语里表示 “时间的流逝(不可逆)”,the way that things happen or change over time and cannot be stopped;还可搭配为:the march of history/progress etc
例句:This little community is still in existence, largely untouched by the march of time.

In the twinkling of an eye, she had departed, perhaps for a better life hereafter.

in the twinkling of an eye,习语,表示 “转眼之间,一刹那”,very quickly;
例句:He was back in the twinkle of an eye.


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