朝圣yatra1: Guru被亲脚时候我要合影合适吗?瑜伽博士学

朝圣yatra1: Guru被亲脚时候我要合影合适吗?瑜伽博士学

作者: 徐林Grace | 来源:发表于2018-10-20 17:08 被阅读106次
    朝圣yatra1: Guru被亲脚时候我要合影合适吗?瑜伽博士学位很有吸引力!


    朝圣yatra1: Guru被亲脚时候我要合影合适吗?瑜伽博士学位很有吸引力!


    朝圣yatra1: Guru被亲脚时候我要合影合适吗?瑜伽博士学位很有吸引力!

    原本在找hotel mosha去做瑜伽,发现没那么容易找,而且说好的课程荣通知我必须一男一女做,之后就是meditation课,我想算了吧,如此多变而且不好找,选择Ayurveda是正确的,浑身都是油很利于回复vipassana干燥缺水肌肤,而且感受一下sensation,尽可能不把痒的部位紧张起来!

    朝圣yatra1: Guru被亲脚时候我要合影合适吗?瑜伽博士学位很有吸引力! 朝圣yatra1: Guru被亲脚时候我要合影合适吗?瑜伽博士学位很有吸引力!

    和是三个女孩子去了Beatles去过ashram,因为他们非常出名,是一个最正确的方向,因为虽然我刻意一个人行动,但和来自卡萨克斯坦Diana聊天学到很多,首先是一个可以学习瑜伽的bungalow大学,我查了PHD瑜伽博士,必须讲sanskipt, 非常赞的一个传播瑜伽和Ayurveda学府;其次关于她的studio在一个发展国家,基本上她不遵循穆斯林传统!我们去的ashram非常大和绿色环绕!我几乎动了念头开成vipassana和瑜伽中心,但居住印度和印度落后低效率labor打交道几乎不可想象,很喜欢cave一样meditation cells,很多建筑原型都在,Beatles使得这个瑜伽冥想中心世界闻名,从而transcentual meditation 为更多西方人熟知!Dualism is closely associated with the thought of René Descartes (1641), which holds that the mind is a nonphysical—and therefore, non-spatial—substance. Descartes clearly identified the mind with consciousness and self-awareness and distinguished this from the brain as the seat of intelligence.[6] Hence, he was the first to formulate the mind–body problem in the form in which it exists today.[7] Dualism is contrasted with various kinds of monism.Dualism in Indian philosophy refers to the belief held by certain schools of Indian philosophy that reality is fundamentally composed of two parts. This mainly takes the form of either mind-matter dualism in Buddhist philosophy or consciousness-matter dualism in the Samkhya and Yoga schools of Hindu philosophy. These can be contrasted with mind-body dualism in Western philosophy of mind, but also have similarities with it.Vedanta (/vɪˈdɑːntə/; Sanskrit: वेदान्त, IAST, Vedānta) or Uttara Mīmāṃsā is one of the six orthodox (āstika) schools of Hindu philosophy. Vedanta literally means "end of the Vedas", reflecting ideas that emerged from the speculations and philosophies contained in the Upanishads. It does not stand for one comprehensive or unifying doctrine. Rather it is an umbrella term for many sub-traditions, ranging from dualism to non-dualism, all of which developed on the basis of a common textual connection called the Prasthanatrayi. The Prasthanatrayi is a collective term for the Principal Upanishads, the Brahma SutrasWhat is the TM technique?

    It's an effortless technique for "recharging your mind and body" — and creating a brighter, more positive state of mind.

    Hundreds of published research studies have found that TM is highly effective on stress and anxiety, brain function, and cardiovascular health.

    朝圣yatra1: Guru被亲脚时候我要合影合适吗?瑜伽博士学位很有吸引力!

    Ashram里女孩子们各种照相和录像,而我只是勉为其难 ?没啥兴趣做各种pose,衣服和场景不对,但绝不扫兴,我想起sunny在西西里对我各种照相不屑和不配合,理解她当时状态,但我起码配合也祝兴。

    同学们对房间评价:camping inside;5种位置试图打开热水,几乎kicking,还是凉水。我说:at least not freezing cold!

    通过一个中国女孩子知道iyengar teacher usha Davi,去了她的studio,结果任何介绍都没有,就买了个dress,结果大爷好不情愿的说:你为啥没有零钱,下次买东西带零钱。

    学习一下Bangalore swami VIVEKANANDA university提供PHD课程,我都不配上,因为要先学好Sanskrit;去了Vedanta Sivananda temple,temple没啥特别的,但他作为医生背景,有个医院在那里,1963 samathi,不再轮回。

    朝圣yatra1: Guru被亲脚时候我要合影合适吗?瑜伽博士学位很有吸引力! 朝圣yatra1: Guru被亲脚时候我要合影合适吗?瑜伽博士学位很有吸引力! 朝圣yatra1: Guru被亲脚时候我要合影合适吗?瑜伽博士学位很有吸引力!

    瑜伽结束换上干净衣物我们参加了Ganesha Homa:Homam that is performed to appease Lord Ganesha is called Ganesha Homa. The consorts of Lord Ganesha are said to be Riddhi (prosperity) and Siddhi (success) so we can also interpret this as if one performs Ganesha homa, one's hurdles fade away and will also be blessed with prosperity and success.

    特别请到Priest purified , fire goes to Denesha god, priest从Kerala带来各种ingredients,几位西方女士纱丽打扮,非常美丽,这样一个阳光的ganga河边仪式,虽然很长时间,也是享受。

    朝圣yatra1: Guru被亲脚时候我要合影合适吗?瑜伽博士学位很有吸引力!

    我们吃的食物都在帐篷里,叫做Satvik food:Ayurveda divides food into satvik, tamasic and rajasic food – basically the good, the bad and the ugly in the ayurvedic food world.

    Satvik foods are healing foods that cause clarity of mind and the body. These are basically lacto vegetarian foods with emphasis on their freshness and being naturally sourced. A satvik diet balances out all the elements in our body, keeping you calm, positive and healthy.非常适合瑜伽修行者。

    了解到一个非常好机构Sampoorna yoga提供各种培训,学习到chi running,很多年没有对工作以外事情保持浓厚兴趣,I miss it!



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