[第194次听写] 复习宝贝老板

[第194次听写] 复习宝贝老板

作者: Wind教口语 | 来源:发表于2018-01-06 09:28 被阅读36次

每周末早上我会复习之前做过的听写, 每次复习一周的内容,重新听写之前听错的句子,今天复习第57-63次听写《宝贝老板》. 挖空的地方代表我之前听写时的错误, 我看看当时的错误, 自己现在能听对多少.



My parents always said that I had an overactive imagination.
but I clearly__ 1 __the baby was delivered in a taxi.
What the...
Tim, look who's here.
Meet your new baby brother.
baby what?
I had a million questions.
Who is this guy?
Why is he here?
What's with that outfit?
Why is he so fat?
Why is he staring at me?
Does he know karate?
What's going on?


I'm in heaven.
__ 2 __
And I seem to find the happiness I seek.
When we're __ 3 __ together dancing cheek to cheek.
I'm in heaven.
__ 4 __
Seems to vanish like a __ 5 __
When we're __ 6 __ together dancing cheek to cheek.
Oh I love to climb a moutain and to reach the highest peak but it doesn't thrill me half as much as dancing cheek to cheek.
Oh, I love to go out fishing in a river or a __ 7 __.
but I don't enjoy it half as much as dancing cheek to cheek.


They do everything for me.
It's hilarious.
but I think the kid might be on to me.
No, I can handle him.
I know how important this mission is to the company.
Well, trust me, Ma'am.
You got the right baby for this job.
Hands up, devil baby.
__ 8 __
I've gotta deal with the k-i-d.
You can talk.
Ah. goo goo ga ga.
No, you can really talk.
I heard you.
Fine. I can talk.
Now let's see if you can listen.
Get me a double espresso.
And see if there's someplace around here with decent sushi.
__ 9 __kill for a spicy __ 10 __right about now.
Get yourself a little something.


Who are you?
Let's just say: I'm the boss.
The boss?
You're a baby.
You wear a diaper.
You know who else wears diapers?
Astronauts and Nas car drivers.
That's who.
It's called __ 11 __ , Templeton.
The average toddler spends what, 45 hours a year on the potty.
I'm the boss. I don't have that kind of spare time.
Well, you aren't the boss of me.
I am the boss of you.
No you're not.
Am, too.
Are not
Am, too
are not
am, too


Where are we?
Welcome to baby corp.
No way.
Thank you.
They can't see us or hear us.
We're like virtual and stuff.
You mean they won't feel this.
Or this.
__ 12 __
Don't embarrass yourself, Templeton.
I can still see you.
So this is where babies come from?
Where'd you think?
The cabbage patch?
Magic__ 13 __?
No. My parents told me that...
It's disgusting.
Yeah. It didn't sound right to me either.
I can't believe my parents didn't tell me about this.
If people knew where babies really came from. They'd never have one.


So, my mission is to find out what this new puppy is.
__ 14 __a spy mission? Cool!
Yes! Cool!
And if and when I succeed...
I'll become a baby corp legend, like super big boss baby, mega boss baby...
Seriously big boss baby...
And him.
Whoa, now that's a big, fat baby.
No, that's big fat boss baby.
This is super colossal big fat boss baby.


He was the youngest chief executive infant in the history of the company.
Was? What happened to him?
Years ago.
But I still try and live up to his legend.
In every situation I ask myself WWSCBFBBD, what would super colossal big fat boss baby do?
__ 15 __all you get?
Your picture on the wall?
Come here, I'll get a promotion.
The corner office, with my own private potty.
So when you're done, you're coming back here.
I'm not a family man. I belong behind a desk.
It's awesome.
I know, right?
Piu piu.

听对了1,3,6,7,9,10,15; 仍然听错了2,4,5,8,11,12,13,14
2听出了I can hardly speak但是听不出前半部分
4听到了allow me的音
5还是听成了gambler's xx history,
8还是听成了fuck, poop duty
11听成了the efficiency
14还是听成了so you've really gone on

1 remember
2 And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak
3 out
4 And the cares that hang around me thro' the week
5 a gambler's lucky streak
6 out
7 creek
8 fart. poop. doodie
9 I'd
10 tuna roll
11 efficiency
12 Nada
13 fairies
14 So you're, like, on
15 So that's


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    本文标题:[第194次听写] 复习宝贝老板
