The Soul of Steve Jobs中英短篇(二)

作者: 无法补完的希望之地 | 来源:发表于2022-08-31 15:08 被阅读0次

10. In their time together, the father planted a powerful work ethic in his son. All work, Steve Jobs learned, was to be marked with excellence. When father and son painted a fence together, for example, the boy learned that the unexposed side was to be treated with the same thoroughness as the visible side.

在他们在一起的时间里,父亲在儿子身上种下了一种强大的职业道德。 史蒂夫乔布斯了解到,所有工作都必须以卓越为标志。 例如,当父亲和儿子一起画栅栏时,男孩了解到未暴露的一面与可见的一面一样彻底。

11. “(My father) loved doing things right,” Jobs reflected. “He even cared about the look of the parts you couldn’t see.” Decades later this principle learned in boyhood would shape the development of Apple devices. Jobs always insisted that the inner parts of anything bearing the Apple name be as perfectly designed and built as the outer parts, even though a customer would never see them.

“(我父亲)喜欢做正确的事,”乔布斯反映道。 “他甚至关心你看不到的部分的外观。” 几十年后,童年时代学到的这一原则将影响苹果设备的发展。 乔布斯一直坚持认为,任何带有 Apple 名称的产品的内部部件都应与外部部件一样完美地设计和制造,即使客户永远不会看到它们。

12. But then there’s the perceived rejection of his biological parents. That’s the bad-news side of the story. What’s it like to know that your mother put you into the arms of someone else and walked away? This appears to have haunted Jobs all his life and may partially explain his shortfalls in many human relationships.

但随之而来的是他的亲生父母的拒绝。这是故事的坏消息。 知道你妈妈把你放在别人的怀里然后走开是什么感觉? 这似乎一直困扰着乔布斯,并且可能部分解释了他在许多人际关系中的不足。

13. When Jobs began school, his parents and teachers soon discovered that he was a “problem child.” It showed in his rebelliousness, in his boredom with the curriculum, in his unwillingness to fit into ordinary classroom regimens. He resisted learning in the traditional cookie-cutter ways.

当乔布斯开始上学时,他的父母和老师很快就发现他是一个“问题儿童”。 这表现在他的叛逆,他对课程的厌倦,他不愿适应普通的课堂制度。 他拒绝以传统的千篇一律的方式学习。

14. It’s startling to realize that Steve Jobs might have ended up a social discard --- a delinquent---had it not been for an observant teacher who suspected that she had an exceptional child in her classroom. Under her guidance Jobs quickly accelerated in his learning experiences. “I just wanted to learn and to please her,” Jobs said, looking back on her efforts.

令人吃惊的是,史蒂夫·乔布斯最终可能会成为社会弃儿——一个罪犯——如果不是因为一位观察力敏锐的老师怀疑她的教室里有一个特殊的孩子。 在她的指导下,乔布斯迅速加快了学习速度。 “我只是想学习并取悦她,”乔布斯回顾她的努力时说。

15. Unfortunately the same did not happen in his church experience. When Jobs was 13, he asked his pastor a simple (yet not so simple) question.

不幸的是,同样的事情并没有发生在他的教会经历中。 乔布斯 13 岁时,他问了他的牧师一个简单(但不那么简单)的问题。

16. Isaacson writes: “In July 1968 Life magazine published a shocking cover showing a pair of starving children in Biafra. Jobs took it to Sunday school and confronted the church’s pastor, ‘If I raise my finger, will God know which one I’m going to raise even before I do it?’

艾萨克森写道:“1968 年 7 月,《生活》杂志发表了一篇令人震惊的封面,展示了比夫拉一对挨饿的孩子。 乔布斯把它带到主日学校并与教会的牧师对质:“如果我举起手指,上帝会在我做之前就知道我要举起哪根手指吗?”

17. “The pastor answers, ‘Yes, God knows everything.’


18. “Jobs then pulled out the Life cover and asked, ‘Well, does God know about this and what’s going to happen to those children?’


19. “ ‘Steve, I know you Don’t understand, but yes, God knows about that.’ ”


20. The pastor’s answer badly underestimated the young teen’s intellect and left him unsatisfied. According to Isaacson, Jobs walked away from the church that day and never returned.

牧师的回答严重低估了少年的智商,让他很不满意。 根据艾萨克森的说法,乔布斯那天离开了教堂,再也没有回来。



    本文标题:The Soul of Steve Jobs中英短篇(二)
