美文网首页绘分享英文工厂——Love English Works


作者: Ww包包wW | 来源:发表于2019-05-27 00:27 被阅读0次

1. Find a picture book that you think your learners would like and would help their English. List the Sight Words you want them before you start the lesson.

the, a this, is, my, the, today, he, is, all, up, but, doesn't, why, look, at, you, a you, up, all, your, and, all, of, your, too I, know, you, can, your, and, put, one, in, its,  own, if, like, help this, is, it, yellow, like, the, and, when, you, play, want, to, that, with this, is, and, blue, like, a, when, you, want, to, or, be this, is, it, red, when, you, want, to, and, not this, is, it, in, the, black, when, you, and, make, to, be this, is, it, as, light, green, in, the, when, you, and, at all, your, are, in, their, now, see, they, are, to, when, not, together but, there, one,  over, what, could, it, be the, a, is, a, up, today, his, are, and, he, to, that, will, be, put, in sight words in the book the sight words in the book

Group 1-colors: red, yellow, blue, green, black

Group 2-actions:jump, look, make, play, see, want, know, put, help

Group 3-pronoun: I, my; you, your; he, (his); they, their; it, its; this, that, there

Group 4-questions: what, when

2. Think about how you can use this book to teach Sight Words in class. You need to provide your own activities for your class.

Group 1: 每个孩子拿到一张空白的Monster,教会孩子每种颜色对应的情绪,这个部分可以板书留在黑/白板上,然后请孩子来涂色,涂完之后可以简单介绍一下自己在画这个小怪兽的时候想的是哪件事情。同一个小怪兽可以不止一个颜色。然后可以用“大风吹”的游戏来玩,重复并加深记忆。

对于低幼的孩子,喜欢用什么颜色就用什么颜色来涂。然后可以用“It's Xcolor.”这个句型来强化。目标是听觉(单词的念法)与视觉(颜色)的整合。涂色的方式可以是彩笔,也可以是小手直接蘸上无毒颜料来画。接着配合“投篮”游戏来进行强化。


Group 2:表示动作的sight word可以在讲完之后请孩子们选一个动词来动手画画看,并配上一句完整的英文句子。(老师课程内容里的这种方式)

游戏环节:用“你演我猜”来猜表演者表演的是那个动词,猜对了表演者可以领走写有这个sight word的卡片,没猜对就请表演者用一句话或者一个词组来揭晓谜底。还可以用“一二三、木头人”的游戏来玩这些动词。

Group3: 用图片来讲授I,my;you,your;he,his;they,their;并搭配简单手势来学习这四组代词。单手表示人称代词,双手表示物主代词。比如I,单手放在自己胸口,my,双手放在胸口;you,单手摊开掌心向上朝向自己面对的人,your,双手;he,单手摊开掌心向上朝向任意一位男孩子,his,双手;they,单手摊开掌心向上比向斜上方,their双手;还可以请孩子们试着用连线的方式把单词的对应关系表示出来。


Group4:用问句的形式配合实物与图片道具来教授这两个sight words,帮助孩子们理解这些wh词是什么意思。

句型:绘本中的What emotion could it be?

When you are happy/sad/angry/calm/afraid,you feel……  

What will you do?

游戏环节:抢椅子,找5把椅子,每一把代表一种情绪,请6个小朋友来参加,其他孩子和老师一起以一定的节奏一边拍手一边念:What emotion could it be?然后老师说:I feel at peace when I'm ……(停顿)……calm.当老师念出最后一个情绪的单词时,大家抢强椅子坐。没有坐到的同学回答When I'm calm, I will 做什么事情。然后老师撤掉一把椅子,游戏继续。


3.Answer these questions when you have found the picture book and decided on how to use it in class.

*Which age-group is it for?

I think the sight words in Group1 are suitable for the kids from 2-7, and the others are suitable for kids from grade 1 to grade 3.

*What are the Sight Words?

The 4 groups listed in question 2.

*What are the benefits of using this lesson plan?

1. Suitable for kids from the age of 2 to 9.

2. Kids will have fun.



