背部腰肌劳损,你要知道的 7 种腹部运动理疗体式

背部腰肌劳损,你要知道的 7 种腹部运动理疗体式

作者: 瑜伽客 | 来源:发表于2022-03-03 13:44 被阅读0次



无论你的背部不好,或者你知道的“背部不好”,这篇文章都证明你没有理由不锻炼那个核心。你有能力带出那些腹肌并改善你的运动范围!这里有 10 个腹部锻炼,你可以安全地做背部不好的人。


Do you ever look at your abs and imagine all the sculpting and toning that could happen, if only those crunches and sit ups didn’t hurt so much? When you have a bad back, standard ab exercises are literally a pain. In fact, they can even be dangerous if you aren’t careful.

Abdominal exercises help you strengthen your core. And when your ab muscles are strong, you’re also helping take pressure off your back. You might even have less back pain altogether as a result!

Whether you have a bad back or, you know, a “bad back,” this article proves you have no excuse to not work that core. You have the power to bring out those abs and improve your range of motion! Here are 10 abdominal exercises you can safely do with a bad back.

Disclaimer: This article does not replace medical advice. If you have any back issues, consult with your doctor before exercising.
  1. 平板式 Plank


Lying stomach-down on the floor, extend your arms, lift your body up and hold for up to one minute. You can also put some space between your feet If it feels better on your back.

2.猫牛式 Cat-Cow Pose

双手和膝盖着地。确保肩膀在手腕上方,臀部在膝盖上方。吸进你的胃,保持一个完整的呼吸周期。然后,呼气并将腹部肌肉向外推。重复 5 到 10 次。

Get on your hands and knees. Make sure your shoulders are over your wrists, and your hips are over your knees. Suck in your stomach and hold this for one full cycle of breath. Then, exhale and push your stomach muscles outwards. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

  1. 死虫Dead Bug

仰卧,膝盖成 90 度角。伸展你的手臂,双手相对,朝向天花板。慢慢地将右臂直接放在头顶上方,然后伸展左腿,使手臂和腿都平行于地板。换边并至少重复10次。

Lie on your back and bring your knees at a 90-degree angle. Extend your arms, hands facing each other, toward the ceiling. Slowly lower your right arm straight over your head, and extend your left leg so both your arm and leg are parallel to the floor. Switch sides and do at least 10 repetitions.

  1. 脚踏车式Towel Crunch

经典的紧缩为那些腰痛的人带来了舒适的转折。卷起一条毛巾,将其放在下背部下方。至少重复 20 次。

The classic crunch gets a comfortable twist for those with lower back pain. Roll up a towel and place it underneath with your lower back. Do at least 20 repetitions.

  1. 鸟狗Bird Dog

双手和膝盖着地。向前伸展右臂,向后伸展左腿,使它们与地板平行。保持一秒钟并重复10次。换边并重复 5 到 10 次。

Get on the floor on your hands and knees. Extend your right arm forward and your left leg back so they’re parallel to the floor. Hold for a second and repeat 10 times. Switch sides and repeat 5 to 10 times.

  1. 桌面压腿式
    Tabletop Leg Press

仰卧,将膝盖抬高到臀部上方,形成 90 度角,使小腿与地板平行。把你的手放在你的膝盖上。向下按压,这样你就可以收缩你的腹肌。释放并重复 5 到 10 次。

Lie on your back and bring your knees up above your hips, forming a 90-degree angle, so your shins are parallel to the floor. Take your hands and place them on your knees. Press down so you’re contracting your abs. Release and repeat 5 to 10 times.


Forearm Side Plank

将左前臂放在地板上,确保肘部在左肩下方。转身面对你的左侧。抬起身体,保持臀部向上;你的重心应该放在左前臂和左脚外侧。将右臂伸向天花板并保持 30 秒。换边并重复 5 到 10 次。

喜欢这个练习吗?试试这些侧板的变化 ,让你的背部无痛。

Place your left forearm on the floor, making sure your elbow is right underneath your left shoulder. Turn to face your left side. Lift your body up, keeping the hips up; your weight should rest on your left forearm and on the outer part of your left foot. Extend your right arm to the ceiling and hold for 30 seconds. Switch sides and repeat 5 to 10 times.



    本文标题:背部腰肌劳损,你要知道的 7 种腹部运动理疗体式
