
作者: 鱼目逗珠 | 来源:发表于2019-02-05 22:50 被阅读0次


Te Ching Chapter Seventy-nine

When a great resentment has resulted,

Even if one tries to reconcile and make peace,

There is bound to leave some remaining resentment.

Thus, how can this be considered as a good settlement?

Therefore, a saint cultivates himself with introspection and self-discipline without blaming others for faults.

This is like the ancient custom which acts by holding on to the left part of the tally as a debtor that demands nothing from others.

Hence, a person of virtue acts as if he were the debtor.

And a person without virtue acts as if he were the creditor that demands only from others.

The Tao of Nature is impersonal which makes no exception to anyone.

It always assists those that are kind and virtuous.


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