
作者: 无为育儿 | 来源:发表于2017-11-25 13:13 被阅读7次

    Dressing Up!












    旁白:Peppa and George are playing in Mummy and Daddy's bedroom.

    佩奇:What's this?

    旁白:Peppa has found a box of old clothes.

    佩奇:WoW! This is Daddy's hat. And this is Mummy's dress.

    佩奇:George! Let's dress up and pretend to be Mummy and Daddy.

    佩奇:Here is Daddy's hat. And here is Daddy's coat.

    佩奇:Hello, Daddy Pig.

    佩奇:Now it's my turn. This is Mummy's dress. This is Mummy's hat.

    佩奇:Daddy Pig! Where are your shoes?

    佩奇:I need some shoes, too.

    佩奇:Now I need to look beautiful, just like Mummy.

    旁白:Peppa has found Mummy's make-up box.

    佩奇:Aha! First, some powder. Lovely! Now for some lipstick.

    佩奇:What a pretty Mummy Pig!

    佩奇:Come along, Daddy Pig. It's time to go to work.

    旁白:Mummy is working on her computer.

    妈妈:Hello, Peppa. Hello, George.

    佩奇:I beg your pardon?

    妈妈:Peppa, I was just saying ''hello''.

    佩奇:I'm not Peppa Pig. I'm Mummy Pig.

    妈妈:Oh, yes! Of course. Hello, Mummy Pig.

    佩奇:Hello, and this is Daddy Pig.


    妈妈:And hello to you, too, Daddy Pig.

    佩奇:Excuse me; I've got a lot of work to do!

    佩奇:Hello? Yes, do this, do that. No, thank you, goodbye.

    旁白:Peppa is enjoying pretending to be Mummy Pig. But George is getting a bit bored.

    佩奇:Sorry, Daddy Pig, I'm nearly finished. There! All done! Come on, Daddy Pig, it's time you did some work.

    妈妈:Goodbye, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig.


    旁白:Daddy Pig is digging in the garden.

    爸爸:Hello, Peppa. Hello, George.

    佩奇:I'm not Peppa! I'm Mummy Pig and this is Daddy Pig! Daddy pig is here to do some work.

    爸爸:That's very kind of you, Daddy Pig. Now, be careful, it's a very deep hole.

    佩奇:I do hope you are not digging in your best clothes, Daddy Pig.

    佩奇:I want to make big snorts, too.

    妈妈:Ice cream, everyone.

    佩奇:Ice cream!

    妈妈:Peppa! George! You must take off those muddy clothes before you eat.

    佩奇:I'm Mummy Pig and this is Daddy Pig.

    妈妈:Are you sure?


    妈妈:So, where are Peppa and George?

    佩奇:We don't know.

    妈妈:Oh, Well, that's a shame because I've got their favorite ice cream here. But if we can't find them, then...

    佩奇:Here we are!

    妈妈:Peppa! George! There you are!

    佩奇:Yes, Mummy, we were just pretending to be you and Daddy.

    爸爸:You really had us fooled!



