abdicate , renounce, resign mean to give up formally or definitely.它们都指正式地或明确地放弃。
abdicate 1 implies a giving up of sovereign(至高无上的;独立自主的) power 它指放弃统治地位 The king were forced to abdicate 国王被迫退位 2 sometimes an evading of responsibility such as that of a parent. 有时指逃避责任(如做父母的责任)。ant assume, usurp
renounce may be chosen when the sacrifice, especially to some higher or moral end, is stressed. 在强调牺牲(尤其是为了高尚的或道义上的目的而作出牺牲)时,可以选用此词。The king renounced his throne to obtain peace 国王为了和平放弃了王位。(ant)arrogate,covet
resign applies especially to the giving up of an unexpired office or trust.它指放弃任期未满的职务或职责。forced to resign from office 被迫离职
