经济学人·2018特辑 | 遇见「OMO」智慧【上】

经济学人·2018特辑 | 遇见「OMO」智慧【上】

作者: 英语学习社 | 来源:发表于2018-03-19 20:05 被阅读7次

    引言:“未来世界即将迎来‘OMO’(Online-Merge-Offline线上与线下融合)的时代,而中国的发展速度相当惊人,将有望在全球范围内首先实现OMO。”本文为李开复在《经济学人(The Economist)》杂志的The World in 2018特辑上发表的专栏文章,结合出行、零售、教育等多个领域,描述OMO给生活带来的改变。

    Meet OMO sapiens

    Two years ago, the morning view from my office in northern Beijing was a snaking[1] traffic jam of cars. Today I look down to see a rush of orange and yellow bicycles, as commuters have leapt onto the "smart" bicycles that are reshaping rush hour in China's busiest cities.


    [1]snaking由snake一词演变而来,表示“蛇形的”,是不是很形象?!可以说“The snaking track might take up acres and acres of rich land.”。与snake有关的短语有“snake its way”,表示“蜿蜒行进,弯曲延伸”,英文解释是“Something that snakes its way moves or is arranged in a twisting way”。比如“长长的队伍排到楼下后又一直延伸到了街上。”就可以这样说:“A long queue had formed, snaking its way downstairs and out into the street.”

    In less than a year Mobike (in which my venture fund invested) has reached 25m rides per day. That illustrates another force that will be vastly more transformative in 2018: the boundaries between the online and offline worlds are being erased.


    These bikes are not the rusty clunkers[2] you may have seen in old black-and-white photos of China's capital. They are equipped with solar-powered GPS, accelerator, Bluetooth and a thermos detector. Both NFC (near-field communications) and microphones are activated by smartphone. To sign up to ride, you make a digital payment from your phone, and the bike's smart lock automatically opens.


    [2]clunkers有两个意思。其一表示“破旧的汽车[机器]”,英文解释为“an old car or other machine that does not work well”;其二表示“彻底的失败;毫无价值的东西”,英文解释“something that is completely unsuccessful because people think it is stupid or wrong”。

    As you cycle around the city, the various sensors transmit your moving co-ordinates[3] and other data to a cloud-based server. Each day, millions of cyclists peddling around Chinese megacities generate 20 terabytes of data, which feed back into Mobike's cloud servers—connecting people, bikes, roads and destinations as one of the world's largest "internet of things" networks. Mobike's servers use artificial intelligence (AI) to analyse traffic patterns and to balance supply and demand, maximising usage and alerting the company to any problems.


    [3]coordinates:The coordinates of a point on a map or graph are the two sets of numbers or letters that you need in order to find that point. 坐标

    Can you give me your coordinates?


    I call this futuristic but imminent world "OMO" (online merges with offline). Four factors are enabling the arrival of omo: rapid smartphone uptake[4], frictionless payment systems, cheaper and better sensors, and advances in AI. In each of these areas, China is moving extraordinarily fast, and is poised to see the OMO future first.

    我把这种现象称之为即将到来的未来世界“OMO”( Online-Merge-Offline,线上与线下融合)。四个因素将助力OMO时代的到来:智能手机的大规模应用、流畅的支付系统、质优价廉的传感器,以及人工智能技术的进步。在所有这些领域,中国的发展速度惊人,并且未来将有望首先实现OMO。


    1)the rate at which a sub­stance is taken into the body, a system etc 吸收,摄取(率)

    the uptake of sugars by the blood 


    2)the number of people who use a service or accept something that is offered 接受〔某种服务或某事物〕的人数

    The uptake of some vaccinations fell as the media stirred up fears of possible side effects. 


    3)相关短语有“be slow/quick on the uptake”表示“to be slow or fast at understanding something 领会[理解]慢/快”,如:

    She is not an intellectual, but is quick on the uptake.


    China now has 731m peoplewielding[5]smartphones, all equipped with GPS and other sensors. Some 70% of them use their phones for digital payments, in lieu of[代替] credit card or cash. This frictionless digital payment is nearly instantaneous, usually zero-fee, requires no minimum purchase and can be used person-to-person (not only person-to-business, like credit cards).


    [5]wield表示“拿着 (武器、工具或设备)”或“掌握(权力)”,如“He remains chairman, but wields little power at the company.他还是主席,但在公司内没有什么权力。”

    In the past three years this new way of buying things has taken the Chinese economy by storm. Easy digital payment systems have paved the way[6] for not just Mobike, but also Didi (the Uber of China), Meituan (delivering over 10m take-out meals per day) and many other new companies. Many of these are now also expanding internationally.


    [6]pave the way: If something paves the way for/to something else, it makes the other thing possible. (为…)铺平道路,(为…)创造条件 

    Scientists hope that data from the probe will pave the way for a more detailed exploration of Mars. 





        本文标题:经济学人·2018特辑 | 遇见「OMO」智慧【上】
