Unlikely things happen extremely frequently. Last Saturday, I bought a lottery ticket using the random lucky-dip process and got the numbers 2, 12, 15, 25, 32 and 47, and when the lottery was drawn, one of the six numbers was 15. Amazing? No, you say. The probability of twelve particular numbers coming up is one in 200 trillion — the same chance as flipping a coin 48 times and it coming up heads every time. Yet because the two sets of figures are mostly different, we aren't impressed by the low probability of their occurrence.
Even rather remarkable events can be unsurprising. Take the 2010 story in the British media about the Allali family, whose third child Sami was born on the same date — 7 October as her older brother Adam (aged three) and sister Najla (aged five). The Daily Mail newspaper said this was a 1 in 48,000,000 event —a number obtained by multiplying three 1 in 365 events together. This number is misleading for two reasons. first, it is wrong: this would be the chance of all three children being born on a pre-specified date of 7 October (and also makes the rather strong assumption of random birth dates, and hence conceptions, throughout the year). Since the first child, Najla, set the date, she does not feature as part of the coincidence, and so the appropriate calculation is 1/365 x 1/365, which is a 1 in 133,000 chance. This is not terribly exciting, as there are 1, 000, 000 families with three children under 18 in the UK, and so we would expect around seven other examples to exist at any time. This also means there are about 167,000 third children born each year, and so we would expect the event to be reported roughly annually, This duly happens, and the Daily Mail wrote the same story about the MacKriell family in 2008 (but this time getting the odds right).