
作者: 心上的锁 | 来源:发表于2017-07-12 22:05 被阅读40次

Every day we walk on the street to pursue our dreams.We are depressed but not fatigue.We wander and seek the nonexistent joy ,fight against the irregular fate.My friends,the life would make you heartbroken,but it never be mercy to you.Please never cry like an idiot ,because we are born to be scared and hesitant.My friends,the life would destroy your dreams,but it would never be pity about you.Please don't fight like a crazy man,because we are born to be scared and hesitant.My friends,the life would broke your bones,but it stands by you and never gives you a hand.It's better for us to roll like a rock,because we are born to be scared  and hesitant.


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