

作者: 自然减压冥想 | 来源:发表于2019-02-04 08:42 被阅读264次

确定语句(也译辅助语句,affirmation)能帮我们把注意力放在人体精微系统相应的能量中心(神经丛),使该能量中心的特质充分地发挥出来。如果没有持久的注意力和养育,那个轮穴(脉轮)的特质便不能表现出来。 确定 语句能帮助我们把注意力带回该能量中心,恢复其特质,这时,那个能量中心的特性便会发挥出来。 

左部(Left Side)

(1)    根轮(Mooladhara):大自然母亲,因你的恩赐,我成为赤子童真。Mother, by your Grace, I am the powerful innocence of a child.

(2)    腹轮(Swadhishthan):大自然母亲,因你的恩赐,我成为上天的纯粹知识。Mother, by your Grace, I am the pure knowledge / technique of the Divine that acts.

(3)    脐轮(Nabhi):大自然母亲,因你的恩赐,我感到满足,感到平安,我成为慷慨的人。Mother, by your Grace, I am satisfied, I am peace, I am a generous person.

(3a)  幻海(Void):大自然母亲,因你的恩赐,我成为自己的导师。成为纯粹知识。Mother, by your Grace, I am my own guru, I am my own master, as I am the pure knowledge.

(4)    心轮(Heart):大自然母亲,因你的恩赐,我成为灵。请宽恕我对灵犯下的过错;大自然母亲,因你的恩赐,我成为母亲的爱的工具。Mother, please forgive me any mistakes against my spirit. I am the instrument of Mother’s love。 Mother, by your Grace, please come in my heart, I am only the spirit。

Shivo-ham , Shivo-ham. (12 遍) 。

(5)    喉轮(Vishuddhi):大自然母亲,我并无罪疚感。因你的恩赐,我是个灵,我怎可能有罪疚?Mother, by your Grace, I am not quilty. As I am the spirit, how can I be guilty?

(6)    额轮(Agnya):大自然母亲,因你的恩赐,我原谅所有人, 请宽恕我。Mother, by your Grace, I forgive everyone . Please forgive me.

(7)    顶轮(Sahasrara)(在顶轮左部))

大自然母亲,因你的恩赐,我受到保护,不受各种侵害,我会战胜所有困难,向上升进。Mother, , by your Grace, I will be victorious over all the challenges to my ascent. 

中脉(Centre Channel )各轮穴的确定语句:

(1)    根轮(Mooladhara):大自然母亲啊!请让我纯真如赤子。Mother, please make me the innocence.

(2)    腹轮(Swadhishthan):大自然母亲啊!请让我成为创造性的知识。Mother, please make me the creative knowledge.

(3)    脐轮(Nabhi):大自然母亲啊!请让我得到满足。Mother, please make me satisfied.

大自然母亲啊!我完全交托给你。Mother, I surrender everything to you.

(3a)  幻海(Void):大自然母亲啊!请让我成为自己的导师,成为自己的主人。Mother, please make me my own guru.Mother, please make me my own master

(4)    心轮(Heart):大自然母亲啊!请让我成为一个无畏的灵,有信心的人。Mother, please make me a fearless and confidence person.

(5)    喉轮(Vishuddhi):大自然母亲啊!请让我成为毫无执着的见证,成为整体的部份。Mother, please make me a detached witness, please make me part and parcel of the whole.

(5a)  明善轮(Hamsa):大自然母亲啊!请让我成为能辨别善恶的灵。Mother, please make me a self-correcting and discriminating person

(6)    额轮(Agnya):大自然母亲啊!我宽恕所有人,所有事,包括我自己。Mother, please make me a forgiving and sacrificing person。

主祷文Lord’s Prayer。

(7)    顶轮(Sahasrara):大自然母亲啊!请巩固我的自觉,请来到我的顶轮,请接受我完全的交托,我不是这个身体,不是这个自我,不是这个超我,不是这思想,不是这情绪,只是一个灵,我交托给母亲。

Mother, please give me my self-realisation; Mother, please be in my head; Mother, please establish my self-realisation; Mother, please accept my complete surrender. 

右部(Right Side)

(1)    根轮Mooladhara:大自然母亲,你真正是所有负面力量的毁灭者。Mother , You are the Destroyer of demons。

 (2)  腹轮Swadhishthan:大自然母亲,我一事不曾作,你才是真正的作事者及享受者。

Mother, I do nothing.  You are the Doer and You are the Enjoyer.

(3)    脐轮Nabhi:大自然母亲,你真正是在我内在的无上尊严。只有你才真正能够解决我金钱的问题和家庭的挂虑,照顾我的生活。Shri Mataji, You are the Royal Dignity in me.

Mother, You solve my money/family worries and take care of my well-being.

 (3a)幻海Void:Mother , You are my Guru/Master. 大自然母亲,你是我的导师。

 (4)心轮Heart:大自然母亲,你真正是我内在的责任感;大自然母亲,你真正是良好行为和好父亲的分际。Mother , You are the responsibility in me. You are the boundaries of good conduct and the benevolence of a good father.

(5)喉轮Vishuddhi:Mother , You are the sweet countenance of my words and deeds。


 (6)  额轮Agnya:大自然母亲,我宽恕所有人,也宽恕我自己; 大自然 母亲,请让我在你的注意力之中。Mother , I forgive everyone and I forgive myself. Mother , by Your Grace, please keep me in Your attention.

(7) Sahasrara(在顶轮右部):大自然母亲,你真正是我战胜所有挑战,向上升进的力量。

Mother, You are the Victory over all the challenges to ascent. 



