1. 信息(读得懂);
2. 语言(学到手);
3. 读书,顺便学英文。
1. 兴趣;2.他人推荐;3.评分Goodreads, 豆瓣
1. 读感兴趣的书,读几本换一个口味。是否值得读,认真读完前两章。(月亮与六便士)
2. 设立正确期待。不要指望句句都是干货;不要指望能够100%读懂;不要指望能够掌握所有的语言点。These are just my two cents. (这只是我的观点)
3. 设定阅读计划。(心中有数)Less is more, slow is fast.
4. 读一遍再读一遍
第一遍掌握框架,文章说了什么事?哪里没读懂,学到了什么。第二遍解决问题,积累素材。遇到不懂的地方是死磕还是live with it,答案是后者。不要纠结,不是所有词都要读懂,生僻的词积累了但用的机会非常少,所以只记住你最想记的表达就可以了。可以在读的过程中标记高频词出现的次数,反复出现的就值得记下来,而且要查阅背诵和仿写。我的做法是把句子写在单词卡片上,随身携带随时翻阅,上厕所的时候可以拿出来背一背。不在乎时间和地点,学习的热情和效果最重要。哈哈!谨记Don’t bite more than you can chew.
5. 高级玩法
Eric的two cents:复杂的事情简单做,简单的事情重复做,重复的事情用心做。在阅读中学词汇,不要急于查字典,一定要在语境中理解。要按语块记忆,学完造句;一种表达你会怎么说,还可以怎么说;按需学习,量力而行;哪些词值得记,词汇的敏感度;把英语表达当朋友,读后立刻产生联想,特别形象、别扭、好玩,用的上的表达要记住;幽默也可以学习...
1. I was up. 我醒了;Red bull can keep you up.
2. He’s not made of money. 他不是印钞机,他的钱不是风刮来的。
3. Luck plays a big role. 很重要 My mom plays a big role in my life.
4. I was saddened. 我很悲伤。
5. God, How I wish I could relive the whole thing.
6. Shoot shit的委婉表达;赶紧说吧。
7. Cut loose:rebelled
8. Manned:churned
9. Wedding out 婚礼太多了
10. It was an old,old trail we’d had to blaze.
11. I wanted to leave a mark on the world. We wanna make something big. I want to be somebody. We are here to put a dent in the universe, otherwise why else even be here. 我们要给这个世界留下印记。
12. On paper, I thought , I’m an adult. So why, I wondered why do I still feel like a kid?
13. The plan works well on paper.纸上谈兵
14. Hoops star 篮球明星
15. Get hung up on brands\when I wasn’t obsessing about the trails. 不要纠结
16. Wrestle with思考 Every day I wrestle with a task.
17. Land mine 雷区 gold mine 金矿 To you,I am a land mine, but to them, I am a gold mine.彼之砒霜吾之蜜糖(今天我最喜欢的表达)
18. Put on the line 投入精力 everything that other people hold dear
19. Framed =set up
20. I fried off a letter. 我写了一封信。
21. His math was solid. 他数学很好。 Eric is solid. Eric很靠谱 The live show is solid.直播干活满满。
22. He was anal.他事儿逼(龟毛)哈哈,有人立马联想到了处女座。
23. Hefty discounts 讨价还价
24. budge 不肯让步
25. Canada was a letdown. 失望
26. He was a literacy lion, toast of New York. 他是大佬
27. He doesn’t want to be at logger heads with you, ever. Be at odds with 撕逼
28. Peace was prosperity. 家和万事兴 Peace feeds on prosperity. Fortune favors the brave.
Don't stop. Don't even think about stopping until you get there, and don't give much thought to where "there" is. Whatever comes, just don't stop.
Seeking a calling. Even if you don't know what that means, seeek it. If you are following your calling, the fatigue will be easier to bear, the disappointments will be fuel, the highs will be like nothing you've ever felt.
You can only count on yourself.