巜摩根财团》英汉对照阅读翻译笔记 (11)

作者: Happylins | 来源:发表于2019-01-05 23:22 被阅读1次


    这一段主要描写英国投资者对美国的愤怒和不满。文章一开始就可以看到满满的火药味。如果认真观察,可以发现许多爆发力十足的单词:thunder 怒斥,cheat 骗子,rascal 无赖,ingrate 忘恩负义之徒。接下来的部分描述财政部代理人去欧洲见詹姆斯罗斯柴尔德。这个人估计是欧州金融界响当当的一个人物。不然他不会称自己是”最具权威的人”。不但金融家对美国的违约怒火中烧,连宗教人士和文学家也都加入讨伐行列。


    British investors cursed America as a land of cheats, rascals, and ingrates. State defaults also tainted federal credit, and when Washington sent Treasury agents to Europe in 1842, James de Rothschild thundered, “Tell them you have seen the man who is at the head of the finances of Europe, and that he has told you that they cannot borrow a dollar. Not a dollar.”7 Clergyman Sydney Smith sneered at the American “mob” and said that whenever he met a Pennsylvanian at a London dinner, he felt “a disposition to seize and divide him. . . . How such a man can set himself down at an English table without feeling that he owes two or three pounds to every man in the company, I am at a loss to conceive; he has no more right to eat with honest men than a leper has to eat with clean men.”8 Even Charles Dickens couldn’t resist a jab, portraying a nightmare in which Scrooge’s solid British assets are transformed into “a mere United States’ security.”


    Rascal n. a dishonest person 无赖


    Ingrate n. an ungratelful person 忘恩负义的人

    a land of cheats, rascals, and ingrates. 这个地方遍地都是骗子,无赖,和忘恩负义之徒。之所以会出现这样的评论要去联系上文去看去。美国各州政府拒绝支付债券利息。也难怪英国人会这么说。

    Mob n. a large and often disorderly crowd 乌合之众


    Disposition n. a tendency 书面语,这里用来指短暂的情绪

    Feel a disposition to seize and divide him 想抓住他,将其撕碎

    Jab v. to deliver a short straight punch 击打

    couldn’t resisit a jab 也忍不住加入了功击者的行列

    Mere adj. nothing more than 语气上的肯定,区区,仅仅

    Mere mords won‘t help. 只是动动嘴皮子解决不了问题。





        本文标题:巜摩根财团》英汉对照阅读翻译笔记 (11)
