

作者: 六十度冰 | 来源:发表于2017-01-01 00:27 被阅读119次


As the U.S. hands down punishment to Russia for election meddling【1】, President-elect Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin congratulate each other in a series of exchanges. Also, a new cyberattack【2】 in the U.S with possible ties to Russia targets an electric utility in Vermont. All that and all that matters in today's Eye Opener.

Donald Trump has praised Vladimir Putin for not ordering tit-for-tat【3】 expulsions【4】 following the decision by Barack Obama to oust【5】 35 Russian diplomats.

In a move that will likely lead to the President-elect’s critics claiming he appears more loyal to the Russian leader than the US president, Mr Trump said it was a “great move” by the Kremlin.

A day after Mr Obama ordered the expulsion of the Russian enjoys and the closing of two compounds used by the diplomats, Mr Putin surprised many observers by not reciprocating【6】 in kind【7】. In a clever piece of political chess, he said Russia would not lower itself to the level of “kitchen” diplomacy”. He even invited the children to US diplomats in the US to attend a New Year’s celebration at the Kremlin.

Mr Putin also made clear that he could order further responses depending on what steps Mr Trump takes when he assumes the US presidency on January 20. On Thursday, Mr Trump had issued a statement saying that the American people needed to move on to more important issues.


【1】 election meddling 干预竞选

【2】cyberattack 网络攻击(合成词cyber + attack)

【3】tit-for-tat 以牙还牙

【4】expulsion 驱逐

【5】oust 罢免,剥夺

【6】reciprocate 回应

【7】in kind 以同样的方式


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