

作者: 苕花吃红薯 | 来源:发表于2017-01-31 21:03 被阅读238次

Sleep Away Your Bad Attitudes(通过睡眠可以影响你一些固有的观念)




Generally speaking, you cannot learn from sounds of new information while you sleep, though this was a fad(一时的流行)several decades ago. But in an earlier post, I discussed a new line of research where sleep learning can occur. The key is to play sound cues that were associated with learning that occurred during the previous wakefulness(不眠) period.The explanation I posted was that /cue-dependent sleep learning can work/because a normal function of sleep/is to strengthen memories of new information/and that presenting relevant(相关的)cues during sleep increases the retrieval(读取)of these memories/and makes them accessible for rehearsal and strengthening.(我之前发文的解释,是这样的:依靠提示音的睡眠学习是有效的,因为正常睡眠的功能是加强新知识的记忆。在睡眠时,呈现出相关的提示能增加记忆的读取;并且能让这些记忆,更容易在演练和强化时被连接到。)

The latest experiment by a different group shows that this cuing during sleep can modify bad attitudes and habits. The test involved counter stereotype-training(反对模式化的训练)of certain biased attitudes during wakefulness, and investigators reactivated that counter-training during sleep by playing a sound cue(播放提示音)that had been associated with the wakefulness training.

In the experiment, before a 90-minute nap(小睡), 40 white males and females were trained to counter(对抗训练,反常训练)their existing gender and racial biases by counter-training. A formal surveyed allowed quantification(量化)of each person's level of gender or racial bias before and after counter-training. For example, one bias was that females are not good at math. Subjects were conditioned to have a more favorable attitude about(习惯于对...持更赞同的态度)women and math with counter-training that repeatedly associated female faces with science-related words.

Similarly, racial bias(种族偏见)toward blacks was countered/ by associating black faces with highly positive words(将黑人面孔和高度评价的词语联系在一起). In each training situation, whenever the subject saw a pairing that was incompatible with(与...不相容) their existing bias they pressed a "correct" button, which yielded a confirmatory sound tone(表达确定的,友好的语气)that was unique for each bias condition. Subjects were immediately tested for their learning by showing a face (female or black) and the counter-training cue, whereupon(于是)they were to drag the appropriate bias-free(无偏见的)face on to a screen with the positive word. For example, if the first test screen was that of a woman, accompanied by the sound cue, the subject dragged a woman's face onto a second screen that said "good at math." Results revealed that this conditioning worked: both kinds of bias were reduced immediately after counter-conditioning.(通过重复训练来影响,塑造)//一个实验

Then during the nap, as soon as EEG(脑电图扫描器)signs indicated the presence of deep sleep, the appropriate(适当的)sound cue was played repeatedly to reactivate(重新激活)the prior learning. When subjects re-took the bias survey a week later, the social bias was reduced in the sound-cued group, but(转折词)not in the control group(实验对照组)that was trained without sound cues./实验结果,两组的对比

Experimenters noted that the long-term improvement of bias was associated with rapid-eye-movement (dream) sleep(REM快速眼动,做梦)/which often followed the deep sleep during early stages of the nap. That is, the beneficial effect was proportional to the amount of nap time /spent in both slow-wave sleep and REM sleep, not either alone. (有益的效果与慢波睡眠和快速眼动睡眠是成正比的,而不是与其中的一个,)It may be that memories are reactivated by cuing during deep (slow-wave) sleep, but that the actual cell-level storage of memory is provided by REM sleep.

Implications of this approach /to enhancing learning and memory /show a great deal of promise.(这种强化学习和记忆的方法在未来的可能性,展现出了非常大的前景)Can it be used for enhancing learning in school? Can it be used in rehabilitation of addicts or criminals? But there is a dark side. Now might be a good time to re-read Huxley's Brave New World wherein he actually described conditioning values in young children/while they slept. Sleep is a state where people are mentally vulnerable(精神上容易受伤害) and without conscious control over their thoughts.Malevolent people could impose this kind of conditioning and memory enhancement on others for nefarious(=evil)purposes.(恶毒的人可能会为了一些邪恶的目的,用这种(睡眠中学习)的训练、强化记忆的方式,来强行灌输给其他人(观念,价值观))These techniques may have valid social engineering applications, but they must be guided by ethical considerations.



Passing Fad:昙花一现的时尚

Cue = reminder:提示,线索引子

Relevant = related:相关的

Accessible = available:可连接的,能够被利用的



Counter:反击 反驳

Counter conditioning/ counter training:对抗训练 反常训练。和基本常识相反的




A great deal of:大量的,很大的

Promise:前景 前途


Malevolent:恶毒的 坏心肠的

Malicious:恶毒的 恶意的

Malign:诋毁诽谤; 恶意的


Impose:强行,强加 impose sth on sb利用权威,强加观念,规则


Not available


2.拒绝别人的搭讪,有男票,i am not  available.

3.找老师问问题,老师可能会说,我星期五有空。i would be available in Friday.


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