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BBC新闻:波兰总统安杰伊•杜达, 10月24日,冠状病毒检测呈

BBC新闻:波兰总统安杰伊•杜达, 10月24日,冠状病毒检测呈

作者: Lisa_Wang_China | 来源:发表于2020-10-26 12:36 被阅读0次

    The President of Poland Andrzej Duda has tested positive for the coronavirus. He said to be doing fine and consulting the medical authorities. News of his infection comes as Poland wrestles with a record spike in cases. It has adopted a nationwide lockdown, which requires the partial closure of primary schools and restaurants.


    赏析一:wrestle 原义是“搏斗, 摔跤”的意思。 加上with,之后, 变成wrestle with  “全力对付,努力克服”之意。

    赏析二: spike 原义是”长钉”, 此处与record连用, 变成record spike, 是“记录峰值”, 也就是“新高”的意思。

    赏析三; partial “部分的”意思。 商务英语中,经常使用到它表示分批出运。

    例如:We will arrange the cards in partial shipment in order to meet your urgent requirement.

    我们为了满足您的紧急需求, 会安排分批出运我们的卡片。



        本文标题:BBC新闻:波兰总统安杰伊•杜达, 10月24日,冠状病毒检测呈
