10 Ways to Have Better Communica

10 Ways to Have Better Communica

作者: 爱学习的阿茶 | 来源:发表于2019-01-09 16:24 被阅读4次



塞莱斯特·黑德利(Celeste Headlee)做了几十年的电台主持人,她知道成功交谈的要素:诚实、简洁、清晰和健康的倾听。在这篇颇有见地的演讲中,她分享了10条有用的规则,有助于更好地交谈。“走出去,和人们交谈,倾听人们的声音,”她说。“最重要的是,做好被谈话对象震惊到的准备。”





Celeste Headlee(born December 30, 1969) has previouslybeen the host of the Georgia Public Broadcasting program "On SecondThought", and the co-host of the national morning news show The Takeaway,from Public Radio International and WNYC. Before joining fellow host JohnHockenberry in 2009, she was the Midwest Correspondent for NPR's Day to Day andthe host of a weekly show on Detroit Public Radio. Headlee is the author of WeNeed to Talk: How to Have Conversations That Matter (Harper Wave, September 19,2017).

塞莱斯特·黑德利(Celeste Headlee, 1969年12月30日出生)曾担任乔治亚州公共广播节目“思虑再三(On Second Thought)”的主持人,也是国际公共广播电台(Public Radio International)和WNYC电台的全国早间新闻节目《外卖》(the Takeaway)的联合主持人。2009年加入约翰·霍肯伯里(John Hockenberry)之前,她是美国国家公共广播电台(NPR)驻中西部记者,也是底特律公共广播电台(Detroit Public Radio)每周节目的主持人。黑德利著有《我们需要交谈:如何进行有意义的交谈》(Harper Wave, 2017年9月19日)。

All right, I want to see a show of hands: howmany of you have unfriended someone on Facebook becausethey said something offensive about politics or religion, childcare, food?


And how many of you know at least one personthat you avoid because you just don't want to talk to them?


You know, it used to be that in order to havea polite conversation, we just had to follow

the adviceof Henry Higgins in "My Fair Lady":Stick to the weather and your health. But these days, with climate change and anti-vaxxing,those subjects -- are not safe either. So this world that we live in, this worldin which every conversation has the potential to devolve into an argument, where our politicians can't speakto one another and where even the most trivial of issueshave someone fighting both passionately for it and against it, it'snot normal. Pew Research did a study of 10,000 American adults, and they found thatat this moment, we are more polarized, we are more divided, than we ever have been in history.We're less likely to compromise, which means we're not listening to each other. And wemake decisions about where to live, who to marry and even who our friends are goingto be, based on what we already believe. Again, that means we're not listening toeach other. A conversation requires a balance between talking and listening, andsomewhere along the way, we lost that balance.


Now, part of that is due to technology. The smartphones that you all either havein your hands or close enough that you could grab them really quickly. Accordingto Pew Research, about a third of American teenagers send more than a hundred textsa day. And many of them, almost most of them, are more likely to text their friendsthan they are to talk to them face to face. There's this great piece in The Atlantic.It was written by a high school teacher named Paul Barnwell. And he gave his kidsa communication project. He wanted to teach them how to speak on a specific subjectwithout using notes. And he said this: "I came to realize..."


"I came to realize that conversational competence might be the single mostoverlooked skill we fail to teach. Kids spend hours each day engaging with ideasand each other through screens, but rarely do they have an opportunity to hone their interpersonal communications skills.It might sound like a funny question, but we have to ask ourselves: Is there any21st-century skill more important than being able to sustain coherent, confident conversation?"


Now, I make my living talking to people: Nobel Prize winners, truck drivers, billionaires, kindergarten teachers, heads of state, plumbers. I talk to people that I like. I talk to people that I don't like. I talk to some people that I disagree with deeply on a personal level. But I still have a great conversation with them. So I'd like to spend the next 10 minutes or so teaching you how to talk and how to listen.


Many of you have already heard a lot of adviceon this, things like look the person in the eye, think of interesting topics todiscuss in advance, look, nod and smile to show that you're paying attention, repeatback what you just heard or summarize it. So I want you to forget all of that. It is crap.


There is no reason to learn how to show you'repaying attention if you are in fact paying attention.


Now, I actually use the exact same skills as a professional interviewer that I do in regular life. So, I'm going to teachyou how to interview people, and that's actually going to help you learn how tobe better conversationalists. Learn to have a conversation without wasting yourtime, without getting bored, and, please God, without offending anybody.


We've all had really great conversations. We've had them before. We know what it's like. The kind of conversation where you walkaway feeling engaged and inspired, or where you feel like you've made a real connectionor you've been perfectly understood. There is no reason why most of your interactionscan't be like that.


So I have 10 basic rules. I'm going to walkyou through all of them, but honestly, if you just choose one of them and masterit, you'll already enjoy better conversations.


Number one: Don't multitask. 第一条:不要一心多用。

Number one: Don't multitask.


And I don't mean just set down your cell phoneor your tablet or your car keys or whatever is in your hand. I mean, be present. Be in that moment. Don't think about your argument you had with your boss. Don'tthink about what you're going to have for dinner. If you want to get out of theconversation, get out of the conversation, but don't be half in it and half outof it.


Number two: Don't pontificate. 第二条:不要批评说教。

Number two: Don't pontificate.


Now, there's a really good reason why I don'tallow pundits on my show: Because they're really boring. If they're conservative, they're going to hate Obamaand food stamps and abortion. If they're liberal,they're going to hate big banks and oil corporations and Dick Cheney. Totally predictable. And you don't want to be likethat. You need to enter every conversation assuming that you have something to learn.The famed therapist M. Scott Peck said that true listening requires a setting asideof oneself. And sometimes that means setting aside your personal opinion. He saidthat sensing this acceptance, the speakerwill become less and less vulnerable and more and more likely to open up the inner recesses of his or her mind to thelistener. Again, assume that you have something to learn.


Bill Nye: "Everyone you will ever meetknows something that you don't." I put it this way: Everybody is an expertin something.


Number three: Use open-ended questions. 第三点:使用开放式问题。

Number three: Use open-ended questions.


In this case, take a cue from journalists. Startyour questions with who, what, when, where, why or how. If you put in a complicatedquestion, you're going to get a simple answer out. If I ask you, "Were youterrified?" you're going to respond to the most powerful word in that sentence,which is "terrified," and the answer is "Yes, I was" or "No,I wasn't." "Were you angry?" "Yes, I was very angry." Letthem describe it. They're the ones that know. Try asking them things like, "Whatwas that like?" "How did that feel?" Because then they might haveto stop for a moment and think about it, and you're going to get a much more interestingresponse.


Number four: Go with the flow. 第四点:顺其自然。 

Number four: Go with the flow.


That means thoughts will come into your mindand you need to let them go out of your mind. We've heard interviews often in whicha guest is talking for several minutes and then the host comes back in and asksa question which seems like it comes out of nowhere, or it's already been answered.That means the host probably stopped listening two minutes ago because he thoughtof this really clever question, and he was just bound and determined to say that.And we do the exact same thing. We're sitting there having a conversation with someone,and then we remember that time that we met Hugh Jackman in a coffee shop.


And we stop listening. Stories and ideas aregoing to come to you. You need to let them come and let them go.


Number five: If you don't know, say that you don't know. 第五点:不知为不知。

Number five: If you don't know, say that you don't know.


Now, people on the radio, especially on NPR,are much more aware that they're going on the record, and so they're more carefulabout what they claim to be an expert in and what they claim to know for sure. Dothat. Err on the side of caution. Talk should not be cheap.


Number six: Don't equate your experience with theirs. 第六条:不要把自己的经历和他人比较。 

Number six: Don't equate your experience with theirs.


If they're talking about having lost a familymember, don't start talking about the time you lost a family member. If they'retalking about the trouble they're having at work, don't tell them about how muchyou hate your job. It's not the same. It is never the same. All experiences areindividual. And, more importantly, it is not about you. You don't need to take thatmoment to prove how amazing you are or how much you've suffered. Somebody askedStephen Hawking once what his IQ was, and he said, "I have no idea. Peoplewho brag about their IQs are losers."


Conversations are not a promotional opportunity.


Number seven: Try not to repeat yourself. 第七条:避免重复自己的话。 

Number seven: Try not to repeat yourself.


It's condescending, and it's really boring,and we tend to do it a lot. Especially in work conversations or in conversationswith our kids, we have a point to make, so we just keep rephrasing it over and over.Don't do that.


Number eight: Stay out of the weeds. 第八条:不要执着于细枝末节。 

Number eight: Stay out of the weeds.


Frankly, people don't care about the years,the names, the dates, all those details that you're struggling to come up with inyour mind. They don't care. What they care about is you. They care about what you'relike, what you have in common. So forget the details. Leave them out.


Number nine: Listen.  第九条:倾听。

Numbernine: This is not the last one, but it is the most important one. Listen.


I cannot tell you how many really importantpeople have said that listening is perhaps the most, the number one most importantskill that you could develop. Buddha said, and I'm paraphrasing, "If your mouthis open, you're not learning." And Calvin Coolidge said, "No man everlistened his way out of a job."


Why do we not listen to each other? Number one,we'd rather talk. When I'm talking, I'm in control. I don't have to hear anythingI'm not interested in. I'm the center of attention. I can bolster my own identity.But there's another reason: We get distracted. The average person talks at about225 word per minute, but we can listen at up to 500 words per minute. So our mindsare filling in those other 275 words. And look, I know, it takes effort and energyto actually pay attention to someone, but if you can't do that, you're not in aconversation. You're just two people shouting out barely related sentences in thesame place.


You have to listen to one another. Stephen Coveysaid it very beautifully. He said, "Most of us don't listen with the intentto understand. We listen with the intent to reply."


Number 10: Be brief.第十条:简明扼要。

One more rule, number 10, and it's this one: Be brief.


 [A goodconversation is like a miniskirt; short enough to retain interest, but long enoughto cover the subject. -- My Sister]


All of this boils down to the same basic concept,and it is this one: Be interested in other people.


You know, I grew up with a very famous grandfather,and there was kind of a ritual in my home. People would come over to talk to mygrandparents, and after they would leave, my mother would come over to us, and she'dsay, "Do you know who that was? She was the runner-up to Miss America. He wasthe mayor of Sacramento. She won a Pulitzer Prize. She's a Russian ballet dancer."And I kind of grew up assuming everyone has some hidden, amazing thing about them.And honestly, I think it's what makes me a better host. I keep my mouth shut asoften as I possibly can, I keep my mind open, and I'm always prepared to be amazed,and I'm never disappointed.


You do the same thing. Go out, talk to people,listen to people, and, most importantly, be prepared to be amazed.



Number one: Don't multitask.


Number two: Don't pontificate.


Number three: Use open-ended questions.


Number four: Go with the flow.


Number five: If you don't know, say that you don't know.


Number six: Don't equate your experience with theirs.


Number seven: Try not to repeat yourself.


Number eight: Stay out of the weeds.


Number nine: Listen.


Number 10: Be brief.





    本文标题:10 Ways to Have Better Communica
