Celeste Headle - 10 ways to have a better conversation

1. 互动:开头的观众参与,很快带入场景,让大家通过行动来思考。
I want to see a show of hands: how many of you have unfriended someone on facebook because they say something offensive about politics, or religion,childcare ,food?
2. 提出问题:通过实例,让观众自己得出结论,自己察觉,确实我们的交谈出了点问题~
we're not listening to each other, a conversation requires a balance between listening and talking, and somewhere along the way ,we lost that balance.
is there any 21st-century skill more important than being able to sustain coherent,confident conversation?
3. 进一步诱导:我们都有过美妙的体验,描述美妙体验是什么样的。
we've all had really good conversations, we know what it's like,the kind of conversation you walk away feeling engaged and inspired, or where you feel like you've made a real connection,or you've been perfectly understood.
4. 在最好时刻,抛出方法:这时候观众已经等不及了,“快告诉我方法吧,我要重拾美好体验!”抛出10个方法的同时,(观众会心里嘀咕,这么多啊?)但是,全程无尿点,不是吹的。讲者又说只要掌握其中任意一个,你就能enjoy。
if you choose just one of them and master it, you'll already enjoy better conversations.
5. 十个方法的阐述、解释都相当简洁到位。
you need to enter every conversation assuming that you have something to learn.
everybody is an expert in something.
talk should not be cheap
i keep my mouth shut as often as i possibly can, i keep my mind open.and i'm always prepared to be amazed.
6. 笑点连连。讲者对幽默方法的驾驭,也是相当娴熟。
反常(一般能在PPT上引用的话都是来自名人,她的落款却是 my sister)
7. 有力的结语:
go out, talk to people,listen to people,be prepared to be amazed !