
作者: IT界汤哥看世界 | 来源:发表于2020-04-09 09:05 被阅读0次


The world of adults, sometimes said to collapse, whether it is poor or rich. Is that right or accurate? Maybe. But one thing is for sure, the adult's break up is silent. You don't have any contact information and opportunities when you don't realize it. Adults, should long snacks, netizens lament: never overestimate, your friendship with others, in fact, is right, most of the time, you two actually have nothing to do with each other. It is the beginning of mental maturity to give up the general friendship in life and the praise friendship in the circle of friends. Please stop your useless social activities, there is a saying: "although you add many people's wechat, it doesn't mean that the friends on wechat have become your friends, maybe you are just a picture in the wechat list of the other party." Back to the beginning, in fact, no matter whether there is a breakdown, do you have a confidant? Is your heart and career strong enough? Anyway, come on!


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