
作者: 爱吃土豆的两只牛 | 来源:发表于2018-09-07 23:45 被阅读1次

Hello everyone, thank you for doing such wonderful job this first week of school. We have more challenges ahead and I know we will surpass them as one team. We welcome the new students and the new teachers , we hope we can all enjoy the time we spend together. Now we have a science and culture area, all in English to be used. I encourage all teachers to use the science and culture materials during our Montessori time to practice English communication with all of the children. We also have 2 movable alphabet to practice composing English words or even short sentences. If you have any question about how to introduce these materials please let me know and I would love to help. I encourage everyone to write or share ideas about what we can do to better the education in our class. You can also make suggestions about new activities that you think children will enjoy. Another thing I want to encourage is to come up with positive methods for when children are crying or have bad behavior. We must know that children are not adults, their expectations are different, their logic is different, their behavior is different, their character is different, and so on. Children need time to develop cognitive skills, emotional control, awareness, etc... We must allow time for children to develop an understanding about “the how, the what, the who and the when.” Another encouragement I would like to add is for us to make more observation and less doing. Making time to do observation will allow us to learn more about our students rather than just focusing on what we want to do. I will make an observation time table for all of our class teachers to just seat and observe. Most of our students have been with us for long time so I strongly suggest for us teachers to invite students to work by themselves (independently). Recently I got a list of English books I ordered and I would like to start a reading club where each teacher selects a small group of students and one English book. The teacher will invite this small group of students to a quiet, isolated area to read an English book for them and later ask questions about the pictures and the story. During Montessori time and Reading Club time, we need one or two teachers to walk around, making observation, assisting students who may want to go to the bathroom or looking out for the safety of the students. Again thank you all and please do share ideas about our class. Happy weekend!!!









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