
作者: 82009bc3fcc9 | 来源:发表于2019-01-20 06:33 被阅读14次

吐血整理申请A Level的经验

这是我去年申请A Level的经验整理,比较详细得地讲了申请高中的流程和总结的经验教训。目前暂时是英文版,下周放假后会补上翻好的中文版,同时也会加入一些新的内容。

➢ Schools I applied myself:

Wycombe Abbey

Brighton College

St Catherine’s School, Bramley

Hurtwood House

Applying Process:

Start to apply at least 6 months or one year before, two years in advance is eh... unless you want to go to Eton, it’s not necessary...

1. Find A-Level School ranking of the year or a year before, and decide which of these schools you want to apply for. (I used Telegraph’s ranking, which is quite reliable. But be aware that some of the top schools, like Eton, Harrow, CLC and Downe House, are not on the ranking table because they are just not bothered with handing in their well-known good exam results. Therefore it is better to ask experienced people for advice before making final decisions.)

2. Go on to the website (use the OFFICIAL WEB! Especially if you are in China, using VPN to get on to Google research might be a better choice than just using Baidu. And remember, type in the full ENGLISH name of the school, not Chinese ones. ) Read through the web thoroughly, check out these important things: Exam results, Curriculum, Extra-Curriculum, Facilities, Transport and Boarding(This is vital because some independent school, especially in London, do NOT accept international students unless at least one of your parents lives in Great London area.) Of course you should check out some more relevant details that are importance for you as well.

3. Decide which of these schools you want to apply for. Personally, I do suggest you to apply for one or two first-choice schools and at least one school that you are happy to go and have 100% confidence to get the offer.

4. Another tip: Good School does not equal to Suitable School. For example, Cardiff College is the leading school on the rank for years, but they only focus on academic development, and there are a lot of Chinese students as well, which means it may not be the best choice for someone who tends to study the culture of Britain.

5. If you want to apply for the schools by yourself, here are the steps:

    1. Go onto the school website, find ADMISSION, you should be able to find a time line for the application and an registration form. If you cannot find them, send an email to the school admission office. The email should include your personal details in simple: age, school and names (on your ID, but you can put on your English name or other names you preferred to be called). Here is an example:

      Dear Sir/Madam,

      I am Ariana Shaw. I am 16 and currently a fifth year student in Pocklington School. May I please ask when can I start to apply for Sixth Form in your school?

      Many thanks,

      Your sincerely,


      2. Then just follow the steps the school provide: fill in the registration form; hand in your registration fee and wait for the exams and interviews which I’ll talk about later.

➢ Schools I applied through ICON:

Cheltenham Ladies’ College

St Swithun’s School

Downe House

Applying Process:

The first 4 steps are generally the same as the steps you need to go through when applying by yourself. The only difference is that you will get more advice and information easier. However, I feel that the information you find directly from the school website and on official ranking table is more reliable, after all, we all do things that benefits ourselves most.

  Once you decide the schools you are going to apply for, you can leave it to the teacher who is helping you and get ready for the exams and interviews.

Important tips on choosing school:

1. Where is the school

2. What is their exam results

3. Are they specialised in any particular area?

4. Are the facilities good?

5. Do they have religion requirement?

*for the last one, most of schools in the UK have Christian belief, and majority of these schools belong to Church of England. They normally do not require certain religious belief, however, there are some schools do reject students with religious belief other than their own. For example, I could not apply for St Mary’s Ascot because it is a Roman Catholic school, but I am baptised and confirmed to Anglican Church (Church of England). Also, all the schools with religious belief will have worships every week that you have to attend.


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