The rivalry remedy
What to do? In the past, societies have tackled monopolies either by breaking them up, as with Standard Oil in 1911, or by regulating them as a public utility, as with AT&T in 1913. Today both those approaches have big drawbacks. The traditional tools of utilities regulation, such as price controls and profit caps, are hard to apply, since most products are free and would come at a high price in forgone investment and innovation. Likewise, a full-scale break-up would cripple the platforms’ economies of scale, worsening the service they offer consumers. And even then, in all likelihood one of the Googlettes or Facebabies would eventually sweep all before it as the inexorable logic of network effects reasserted itself.
If you forego something, you decide to do without it, although you would like it.
To cripple a machine, organization, or system means to damage it severely or prevent it from working properly. 破坏
You use inexorable to describe a process which cannot be prevented from continuing or progressing.不可阻挡
The lack of a simple solution deprives politicians of easy slogans, but does not leave trustbusters impotent. Two broad changes of thinking would go a long way towards sensibly taming the titans. The first is to make better use of existing competition law. Trustbusters should scrutinise mergers to gauge whether a deal is likely to neutralise a potential long-term threat, even if the target(不可以想当然地翻译成目标) is small at the time. Such scrutiny might have prevented Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram and Google’s of Waze, which makes navigation software. To ensure that the platforms do not favour their own products, oversight groups could be set up to deliberate on complaints from rivals—a bit like the independent “technical committee” created by the antitrust case against Microsoft in 2001. Immunity to content liability must go, too.
a person, esp. a federal official, who seeks to dissolve corporate trusts through the vigorous enforcement of antitrust laws
If someone feels impotent, they feel that they have no power to influence people or events.
Two broad changes of thinking
Go a long way
If you say that something goes a long way towards doing a particular thing, you mean that it is an important factor in achievingthat thing.实现某目标的重要因素
Sensible _sensibly
Sensible actions or decisions are good because they are based on reasons rather than emotions.
Neutralise neutral
To neutralize something means to prevent it from having any effect or from working properly.
形容词和动词发音有差异,此处为动词The verb is pronounced (dɪlɪbəreɪt ).
If you deliberate, you think about something carefully, especially before making a very important decision.仔细考虑
Immunity to content liability must go, too.
Second, trustbusters need to think afresh about how tech markets work. A central insight, one increasingly discussed among economists and regulators, is that personal data are the currency in which customers actually buy services. Through that prism, the tech titans receive valuable information—on their users’ behaviour, friends and purchasing habits—in return for their products. Just as America drew up sophisticated rules about intellectual property in the 19th century, so it needs a new set of laws to govern the ownership and exchange of data, with the aim of giving solid rights to individuals.
2.可数名词 [usually singular, NOUN of noun]
If you see something through a prism of something such as time or memory, your idea of it is affected by that thing.
In essence this means giving people more control over their information. If a user so desires, key data should be made available in real time to other firms—as banks in Europe are now required to do with customers’ account information. Regulators could oblige platform firms to make anonymised bulk data available to competitors, in return for a fee, a bit like the compulsory licensing of a patent. Such data-sharing requirements could be calibrated to firms’ size: the bigger platforms are, the more they have to share. These mechanisms would turn data from something titans hoard, to suppress competition, into something users share, to foster innovation.
If you hoard things such as food or money, you save or store them, often in secret, because they are valuable or important to you.
None of this will be simple, but it would tame the titans without wrecking the gains they have brought. Users would find it easier to switch between services. Upstart competitors would have access to some of the data that larger firms (不必翻译成较大公司)hold and thus be better equipped to grow to maturity without being gobbled up. And shareholders could no longer assume monopoly profits for decades to come.