美剧口语|摩登家庭S108 Part1

作者: vvstudy | 来源:发表于2019-11-07 23:42 被阅读0次

Happy anniversary

Scene 1 Phil & Claire


  • because you're impossible to buy for. 因为完全不知道给你买什么.
  • she sucks at giving gifts. 她太**不擅长送礼物了.
  • I'm sorry for the pay-channel language, 不好意思我爆粗口了.
  • I can't not think of things I want. 一想到我喜欢的那些东西就抓狂.


  • look-at(tʃ)you.
  • done /dʌn/ VS down /daʊn/
  • I didn't see(j)it.


  • View-Master 三维魔景机
  • perm n.&v. 卷发;烫发.
  • bureau (带抽屉的)办公桌,梳妆柜. not table, desk.
    -抽屉 常用说法是drawer, locker.

Ah-Fix that step.
-Morning! -I'm still sleeping.
-Happy anniversary. -Hmm.
-And they said we wouldn't last. -Yeah.
-Who said that? -Oh, look at you. You're cute.
-Go ahead. Open it. -What have you done?
Nothing. Something. Nothing.
-It's a View-Master. -Look inside.
Oh, it's us.
Look at how young we are.
Oh, God, that perm.
Yeah, it really framed my face.
Why is there a picture of a bracelet?
Huh. Must be some kind of a mistake.
-What the heck is that? -Phil, you didn't.
-What did -Did he, did he?
Oh, my God.
It's beautiful. Oh, sweetie, I love it.
-Okay, your turn. -My turn? Where is it?
-It's on the bureau. -Oh.
I'm surprised I didn't see it.
-Where? -It's there. The red envelope.
Oh. So --card?
No. That's where you're wrong.
I am so excited.
Hey. Coupons for...
five free hugs.
-You don't like it? -Are you kidding me? I love it.
It's so creative. Coupons for hugs,
which are usually free.
But this makes it official, which is so great.
I was so proud of myself when I thought of it...
because you're impossible to buy for.
You never want anything.
Um, things I want:
Robot dog, night-vision goggles, bug vacuum,
G.P.S. Watch, speakers that look like rocks.
I love my wife, but she sucks at giving gifts.
I'm sorry for the pay-channel language,
but-Oh, yogurt maker.
I can't not think of things I want.

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    本文标题:美剧口语|摩登家庭S108 Part1
