

作者: 87e0c896ece2 | 来源:发表于2018-01-12 21:00 被阅读205次

#1# Jan 13th 2018

ALMOST one year into Donald Trump’s presidency, you have to pinch yourself to make sense of it all.


In “Fire and Fury”(1), Michael Wolff’s(2) gossipy tale of the White House, which did not welcome Mr Trump’s anniversary so much as punch it in the face, the leader of the free world is portrayed as a monstrously selfish (极度自私)toddler-emperor (孩童般的统治者)seen by his own staff as unfit for office.


America is caught up (陷入)in a debate about the president’s sanity(心智).


Seemingly unable to contain himself(自制,忍受), Mr Trump fans the flames by taking to(喜欢;开始;开始喜欢;专心于) Twitter to crow about(吹嘘,夸耀) his “very stable genius” and, in a threat to North Korea, to boast about the impressive size of his nuclear button.


Trump-watching is compulsive—who hasn’t waited guiltily for the next tweet with horrified anticipation?


Given how much rests on the man’s shoulders, and how ill-suited(不合适)he is to the presidency, the focus on Mr Trump’s character is both reasonable and necessary.


But, as a record of his presidency so far, it is also incomplete and a dangerous distraction.


(1)Fire and Fury

    “吃了熊心豹子胆”的朝鲜,宣布正考虑在美国太平洋领土关岛附近进行导弹袭击,言论一出,直接惹怒了特朗普。这位以好战、暴躁而出名的美国总统,立刻放狠话给朝鲜:要让你们朝鲜见识一下比地狱还要可怕的“fire and fury”!

    大家可以先自行感受“fire and fury”的意思咯!

    “Fire”烈焰,“fury”怒火,“fire and fury”常常被用来形容,极具破坏性、报复性、毁灭性的情景或情绪,这一出处几乎横跨了整个文娱界。


"Don’t go in there! This bathroom has just met with fire and fury. "


最后,再用fire and fury造个句:

His speech was full of fire and fury.


2. Michael Wolff

    其实就是美国的一位记者、作家,刚出版了一本畅销书,名叫Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,批判了特朗普和白宫工作人员哗众取宠的行为,还包括白宫前首席战略官对特朗普一家诋毁性的评论。

    具体介绍见维基百科:Michael Wolff (born August 27, 1953) is an American author, essayist, and journalist, and a regular columnist and contributor to USA Today,The Hollywood Reporter, and the UK edition ofGQ.

In January 2018, Wolff's book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House was published, containing unflattering descriptions of behavior by U.S. President Donald Trump, chaotic interactions among the White House senior staff, and derogatory comments about the Trump family by former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. Before its release on January 5, the book, e-book and audiobook all reached number one on Amazon.com and the Apple iBooks Store.



