
作者: Philip_Dai | 来源:发表于2016-08-29 21:32 被阅读31次




    Reading lab原版书阅读实验室在一周前发起了第四期读书计划,邀请共读 Rich Dad Poor Dad, 中文译名《富爸爸,穷爸爸》。




    It advocates the importance of financial independence and building wealth through investing, real estate investing, starting and owning businesses, as well as increasing one's financial intelligence to improve one's business and financial aptitude.


    Rich Dad Poor Dad has sold over 26 million copies and received positive reviews from some critics. American talk show host and media mogul Oprah Winfrey endorsed the book on her show. Another celebrity supporter is actor Will Smith, who said he is teaching his son about financial responsibility by reading the book.


    John T. Reed, a critic of Robert Kiyosaki, says, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad contains much wrong advice, much bad advice, some dangerous advice, and virtually no good advice." He also states, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad is one of the dumbest financial advice books I have ever read. It contains many factual errors and numerous extremely unlikely accounts of events that supposedly occurred."


    人穷就要多读书 人穷就要多读书



    1. Schooling is very good, but it is not good enough.

    There is a saying that if you don't get good grades, you won't get into college, and if you don't graduate from college, you won't get a good job.

    However, the truth is that schools focus on scholastic and professional skills, but not on financial skills. This explains how smart bankers, doctors and accountants who earned excellent grades in school may still struggle financially all of their lives.

    2. Rat Race

    work for money: Income ↑ expense↑

    Having money to burn, the child goes to places where other young people just like them hang out,and they meet people, they date, and sometimes they get married.
    Life is wonderful now, because today, both men and women work. Two incomes are bliss. They feel successful, their future is bright, and they decide to buy a house, a car, a television, take vacations and have children.
    The happy bundle arrives. The demand for cash is enormous. The happy couple decides that their careers are vitally important and begin to work harder, seeking promotions and raises. The raises come, and so does another child and the need for a bigger house.
    They work harder, become better employees, even more dedicated. They go back to school to get more specialized skills so they can earn more money. Maybe they take a second job. Their incomes go up, but so does the tax bracket they're in and the real estate taxes on their new large home, and their Social Security taxes, and all the other taxes.
    They get their large paycheck and wonder where all the money went. They buy some mutual funds and buy groceries with their credit card. The children reach 5 or 6 years of age,and the need to save for college increases as well as the need to save for their retirement.

    That happy couple, born 35 years ago, is now trapped in the Rat Race for the rest of theirworking days.

    3.Understand asset and liability

    asset:An asset is something that puts money in my pocket.

    Liability: A alability is something that takes moeny out of my pocket.

    The poor

    Job(provides income)->Expenses (Taxes, Food, Rent, Clothes, Fun, Transportation)



    The middle class

    Job(provides income)->Expenses (Taxes, Food, Rent Clothes, Fun, Transportation)


    Liability(Mortgage, Consumer, loans, Credit Cards)

    The rich

    Asset(Stocks, Bonds, Notes, Real Estate, Intellectual Property)->income(Dividends, Interest, Rental income, Royalties)



    Rich dad believes "Rich people acquire assets. The poor and middle class acquire liabilities, but they think they are assets."







