一年刷完四六级|虽然有很多人写过了 但依然不容错过 (#半鸦儿陪

一年刷完四六级|虽然有很多人写过了 但依然不容错过 (#半鸦儿陪

作者: 半鸦儿 | 来源:发表于2016-12-04 20:16 被阅读4434次







“低分飘过”这种话听听就好,记得游泳考试时老师说,你游得了50米就能游100米,经验告诉我们,你设定的目标是A,很有可能最后效果是B,宝宝们加油吧!有钱多交几次报名费,你还不如给半鸦儿稍稍打点赏呢(。ò ∀ ó。)








你以为,真有这么轻松哪,too young!










口语是硬性要求时,雅思、托福的面试视频值得借鉴,自己要多说,speak loudly !




















说了这么多,总结起来就是:多读 多听 多写 多练

刷真题 背单词

下功夫 巧借鉴

一定要相信自己的能力,Practice makes better.

A journey of one—thousand begins with single step!


行动起来(°u°)​ 」



  • 一年刷完四六级|虽然有很多人写过了 但依然不容错过 (#半鸦儿陪

    有图有真相,以下故事绝非虚构 大一刚开学时跟一个学长开玩笑说“别人怎么就一年把四六级全过了?”结果自己也成了“...

  • 本周四六级|你准备好这些了吗

    宝宝们好,我是#半鸦儿陪你考四六#的半鸦儿,明明早就过了四六级,天天还要陪你们再战。 话不多说,进入正题: 四六级...

  • 那些错过的陪娃时光,一去不回头

    你是否曾因为忙于工作,错过了陪娃? 你是否曾因为忙于应酬,错过了陪娃? 你是否曾因为忙于娱乐,错过了陪娃? …… ...

  • 这样的周末


  • 时间


  • 我喜欢的马

    今年已经错过了喜欢的几场马,虽然有的还在候补中,但希望却是微乎其微的!今天的简书,先写一写最先未中签的锡马—— 喜...

  • 絮语13《春色》

    这个春天,错过了太多! 错过了柳眼初开,错过了草牙儿微露,错过了打窗外飘过的云……

  • 第七节 等待(下)

    第七节 等待(下) 小面馆里没有吃客,因为早已错过了饭点。 老板是一对儿夫妻,妻子正在刷完,老公在打扫卫生。见李中...

  • 一生都在错过(外一首)

    文/红果 儿时曾错过了童真 成长时又错过了雨淋 一年一年,错过了成熟 一天一天,错过了勤奋 一生都在错过 错过了生...

  • “你愿意么”“我不愿意”

    “错过了不一定是过错,但错过了就是错过了” Ⅰ “干杯!” 一年未见的阿鱼和阿玉找了个清吧,坐下来打发这满满长夜 ...


  • 半鸦儿:听说昨天四六级考试,试卷纸质不错,监考老师亲切,五分好评,明年再来。
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六# 英国再次遭受恐怖袭击
    British police confirmed that death toll in Wednesday's terror attack outside the Parliament in central London has risen to five.
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六# 立刻、马上怎么说?
    I found some phrases have the same meaning. 立刻、马上 are: in a minute, in no time, right now, right off the bat, first off. So what are the differences?
    First off 意思是“首先,第一”。给人的感觉是未完待续,还有其他。Right off the bat 的意思有 “马上,立马”,脱口而出。
    in no time 是指“什么事情发生得出乎意料的快”,速度快得令人吃惊。我们还可以加上“at all”起强调作用。
    In a minute 字面意思是“一分钟内”,也有“马上,现在”的意思,但是它一般用于谈论即将发生的事情,而不是指过去已经发生了的事情。
    right now。这个表达其实有两个含义,第一是指此时此刻,现在。第二个意思是 马上,立刻,立即。
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六# 看片儿学英语
    The 2017 Beauty and the Beast is, for the most part, a shot by shot recreation of the timeless classic that completely encapsulates the magic of the original, without trying to modernize itself.
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    短发也有各种各样的说法:flattop(平头) 、bowl cut(西瓜头)、buzz cut (寸头)、mohawk (鸡冠头)、bob cut(波波头)等
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六# 笑一笑
    grin表示“露齿笑”,笑可以分成很多种,比如:giggle 咯咯地笑;chuckle 暗自发笑;snicker窃笑;titter 吃吃地笑;sneer 冷笑;smirk 傻笑;chortle 哈哈大笑;guffaw 狂笑;burst into laughter 突然大笑。
  • likewatering:真棒 把您的美文分享给宝贝了 希望他能顺利通过6月的6级考试
    半鸦儿: @likewatering
  • 40324b8d279e:那个微信众号叫什么呀😀
    半鸦儿: @40324b8d279e
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六# 厉害了,我的美人儿
    Chinese women spend hefty amounts of money on beauty products: up to $300 or more per month.
    Regarding body culture, Chinese ladies are totally into the worldwide slimming trend. In fact, anyone who’s not skinny is considered chubby.
  • 半鸦儿: #半鸦儿陪你考四六# 超级喜欢怎么说
    1. Live for
    例:She lives for sports.
    2. Be taken with sb/sth
    被某个人或者某件事迷住了,喜欢得不得了~ 这个短语看上去也很“勾魂”呢~
    例:We were all very taken with his girlfriend.
    3. Go for
    4. Can’t get enough of sth
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    1. Do the trick
    2. Bear fruit
    3. Work like a charm
    Charm意指“魅力”、“魔法”,能够起到如此作用,说明效果一定不会差。这个短语还可以写作work like magic。
    4. Pay off
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    1. I'll bet/I bet
    2. Put (your) money on sth
    3. Correct me if I'm wrong
    4. Make no mistake
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六# 冰雪美人——张京
    Zhang shot to stardom at the 2013 NPC press conference as a result of her professional, diplomatic style, which was described by Chinese netizens as “cold beauty.” The unexpected popularity, however, didn’t please Zhang. Determined to keep a low profile for her career and personal life, Zhang removed all the posts on her Weibo account soon after the media frenzy.

  • 我在边关望江南:我也过了,但是分数都比你低,挺喜欢英语的
    半鸦儿: @我在边关望江南
    我在边关望江南: @半鸦儿 感觉到了瓶颈
    半鸦儿: @我在边关望江南
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    一览翻译女神芳华之总理“御用”翻译张璐 腹有诗书气自华
    Here’s a glimpse at some of the interpreters who have stolen the spotlight at the Two Sessions.
    Zhang is a regular translator for China’s top leaders, including Premier Li Keqiang and former premier Wen Jiabao. She made an impressive debut at Wen’s press conference during the Two Sessions of 2010, when her effortless but on-point translation of ancient poems cited by the premier won millions of viewers over.
    No matter how high the mountain is, one can always ascend to its peak.
    Half of the people who have embarked on a one hundred mile journey may fall by the way side.
    For the ideal that I hold dear to my heart, I'd not regret a thousand times to die.
    Differences between brothers cannot sever their blood ties.
    My conscience stays untainted in spite of rumors and slanders from the outside.
    不畏浮云遮望眼, 只缘身在最高层。
    We have no fear of clouds that may block us and we are already at the top of.
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    纪录片《航拍中国》Aerial China来了,视听盛宴
    If documentary A Bite of China presented a feast for the eyes with its appetizing images of cuisines from around the country, Aerial China, a new series that premiered on CCTV on Jan 28, offers another visual treat with its footage of the breathing beauty of the country's natural landscapes.
    appetizing 美味的
    cuisines 佳肴
    footage 镜头
    breathtaking beauty 摄人心魄之美
    landscapes 风景
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    pregnant 怀孕的,孕育着……的,富于想象的,富于成果的
    sterile 无菌的,不毛的,无效果的,不生育的
    ethnic minorities 少数民族聚居地
    reach a given age 大限已到
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    Chinese college students have created a new festival called Girl's Day, which is celebrated on March 7, just one day before International Women's Day.
    Walk into any Chinese university on this day, you'll see red banners everywhere on campus, as part of male students' efforts to express their love to female counterparts.
  • 半鸦儿:你那么美,穿上这件衣服,简直锦上添花🌸
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    How are you?
    Not so good/ Pretty bad!/ Awful, You know, I just ***刚剁手了,买买买,虽然有点败家,可是心情是Rio的好(✪▽✪)
    👼How are you? 类似于 Hello,Hi
    How are you/ What's up/ How (are) you doing
    🌸 How are you?
    Fine, thank you./ I'm good. You?/ Pretty good, how about you?/Couldn't be better.What about you? I'm great, thanks!/ Same as usual/ Same old routine, you know.
  • 半鸦儿:鹿先森乐队的单曲《春风十里》: http://music.163.com/song/38576323/ 
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    《政府工作报告》Report on the work of the Government
    去产能 cut overcapacity
    去库存 cut excess urban real estate inventory
    降成本 cut costs
    国企改革 reform of SOEs
    消费 consumption
    投资 investment
    环保 environmental protection
    医疗 healthcare
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    推荐高分电影《Hidden Figures》隐藏人物/NASA 无名英雄
    There's more than one way to achieve something.
    If you want something, fight for it, go for it.
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    which movie will take home the Oscar for " 奥斯卡“***”奖花落谁家?
    Nominations 所获提名
    Best Picture 最佳影片奖
    Best Adapted Screenplay 最佳改编剧本奖
    Best Director 最佳导演
    Best Actor/Actress 最佳男/女主角
    Best Supporting Actress/Actor 最佳女/男配角
    Best Cinematography 最佳摄影
    Best Film Editing 最佳剪辑
    Best Sound Editing 最佳音效剪辑
    Best Production Design 最佳美工
    Best Sound Mixing 最佳混音
    Best Original Music Score 最佳原创配乐
    Best Costume Design 最佳服装设计
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    You can say that again. 说得好,我同意
    have the heart to do 忍心做(多用于否定句)
    What a shame 可惜,遗憾
    got your number 知道你打的什么算盘(俚语)
    drama queen 小题大做的人
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    the (hand) writing on the wall 不祥之兆
    bring down the house 博得满堂喝彩
    in one's birthday suit 赤身裸体
    think a lot of someone 高看/看中某人
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    sporting house 妓院(旧语)
    wash one's hands 上厕所(美式 委婉用语)/where can I powder my nose?(欧式)/spend a penny (英式)
    wash one's hands of something/ someone 金盆洗手,和某事、某人断绝关系
    pull someone's leg 开玩笑,愚弄某人
    eat one's words 收回前言,改正错话
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    dead president 美钞(俚语)
    senior citizen 老年人
    mad doctor 精神病科医生
    confidence man 骗子
    personal remark 人身攻击
  • 半鸦儿:夏七三: @半鸦儿 我大一下了准备考六级了,上学期考了四级,六级分降低吗?
    半鸦儿: @夏七三
    近几年四六级的线有变过吗?🙀 知道情况的同学请留言解答一下
    半鸦儿: @夏七三
    03d2592b94ce: @半鸦儿 不是线,是那个四级考了多少,然后六级考的时候比四级考的分低了,就是越考越低,谢谢
  • 半鸦儿:有想考研的同学吗? 政治、英语高分经验需要吗?留下你的评论,有惊喜哦
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    busboy 餐馆勤杂工
    busybody 爱管闲事的人
    dry goods 纺织品
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    a black sheep 害群之马 She was the black sheep of the family. 败家女
    horse sense 实用常识(口语)
    green hand 新手
    red tape 繁文缛节(官僚作风的)
    yellow book 黄皮书 (法国等国家的政府报告书,以黄纸为封)
    bluestocking 女学究,女才子(常含贬义)附庸风雅,卖弄学文的人
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    China policy 对华政策 可不是 中国政策
    Indian summer 愉快而宁静的晚年,小阳春时节
    Greek gift 害人的礼物,源于古希腊神话,特洛伊木马
    Spanish athlete 爱吹牛的人,16世纪,英国一举打破西班牙强悍海军

  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    all the rage means popular
    E- sports 电竞 现在已经有高校开设这个专业了
    a gap in the market 市场空缺、市场空档
    dorm/ apartment
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    wash one's dirty linen in public 在公共场合洗脏衣服?
    the expression means you discuss private matters in public
    talking about one's family problems in public
  • 喜顺:感谢分享
    半鸦儿: @喜顺
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    be poised for / to do sth
    steel oneself He steeled himself for the interview.
    screw up one's courage
    have sth up your sleeve If this trip doesn't work out I've still got a few ideas up my sleeve.
  • MissQ酱::+1::+1:
    半鸦儿: @MissQ酱
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    艺考腐败 corruption associated with arts colleges' admission exams
    For years, the independent admission exams of arts colleges have drawn wide public concern, because of the serious corruption associated with them.
    自主招生 independent recruitment
    重灾区 a worst - hit area
    考试作弊 cheating on the exam
    素颜 without any makeup
    考前焦虑 pre - exam nerves
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    电影 la la land 爱乐之城 dreamer
    Could be brave or just insane,是勇敢还是疯狂?
    We'll have to see,只有过后才知道,
    And when they let you down,当你对一次失败感到失望,
    You'll get up off the ground,你仍然会从地上爬起,
    As morning rolls around,清晨不久就会来到,
    And it's another day of sun,这又是阳光明媚的一天,
    So I bang on every door,所以敲开每扇门寻找机会,
    And even when the answer's no,即使受到拒绝,
    Or when my money's running low,即使囊中羞涩。
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    娱乐 enjoyment/ pastimes/ recreation/ entertainment
    孩子 children/ offspring/ descendant/ kid
  • 半鸦儿:四六级考试成绩查询
    成绩查询方式 :
    1. 网上免费查分:
    网址: chaxun.neea.edu.cn
    网址: www.chsi.com.cn/cet
    网址: cet.99sushe.com
    运营商: 99宿舍网
    客服: 在线客服
    2. 收费短信查分:
    (如A369190162103130)到1066335577 查询成绩
    注:江苏、山东、湖南、浙江、河北、广东 暂未开通短信查分功能。
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#

  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六# “吃了假饭”、“复习了假重点”、“过了假假”
    说到“假”很多小伙伴都会想到fake这个词,类似的还有false(假的,不正确的)、bogus(假的,伪造的)、phony (假装的,冒充的)。除了表示东西假,fake还可以指虚情假意,人不够真诚。
    Copycat 这个词指的是“盲目的模仿者”、“无主见的人”,用来指那些模仿别人行为、风格却又一眼被人看穿的人,再合适不过了。
    Knockoff 这里表示廉价又很次的仿制品,通常可以指名牌仿冒品、冒牌货。
    Put-on 除了货不真,有些事情或者表现也是装出来的,这时就可以选用put-on,它可指“假装的”、“做作的”,还能表示“假话”、“哄骗”。
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六# 情人节or“情人劫”
    "The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return."
    每一句 I'm always gonna love you 我将永远爱你
    都会换来 I'm always gonna love you, too. 我也是的回答
    "You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on."
    —Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》
    "You make me want to be a better man."
    —As Good As It Gets《尽善尽美》
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    "You don't just pick one or two random characters and name yourself that—you inherit a name's weight from all the previous generations, and you strive to perfect yourself every step of your life to honor it."
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    责任 responsibility/ obligation/ duty/ liability
    能力 ability/ capacity/ power/ skill
    职业 job/ career/ employment/ profession
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    At Lantern Festival 元宵节(上元节)古代“情人节” 月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。
    When the moon hung behind the willows,
    Young people went out on dates under them.
    I look for her in vain.
    When all at once I turn my head,
    I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed.
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    教育 education/schooling/upbringing
    青少年 young people/ youngsters/ youths/ adolescents
    优点 advantage/ merits/ superiority/ virtue
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    Chinese poem
    reaching the heart and touching the soul
    Li Bai, also known as Li Po, was a Chinese poet acclaimed from his own day to the present as a genius and romantic figure who took traditional poetic forms to new heights.
    Su Shi is my all time favorite poet and i love every single piece from him.
    I'm crazy about the Nineteen Ancient Poems.They are regarded as the mother poetry in the history of Chinese literature.

  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    老人 old people/ the old/ the elderly/ the aged/ senior citizens
    幸福 happiness/well- being
    老师 teachers/ instructors/ educators
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    人类 human beings/ mankind/ human race
    影响 influence/ impact
    危险 danger/ peril/ hazard
    看书太容易受到影响,尤其是作者在书中引荐的。《挪威的森林》村上春树强推《了不起的盖茨比》,《菊与刀》作者为《论美国的民主》作者点赞(。ò ∀ ó。)……,书单又要扩充了,幸亏不是所有作品都会拍成电影,不然还得再刷电影
  • 小诗一首:是不是汉语言文学专业的呢😝
    半鸦儿: @小诗一首
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    富裕的 rich/ wealthy/ affluent/ well - to -do/ well- off
    流行的 popular/ prevailing/ pervasive
    一年一度的“美国春晚”--美国橄榄球联盟(NFL)年度冠军赛“超级碗” Super Bowl,时长13min,今年的中场秀表演嘉宾Lady Gaga,继Diana Ross,Madonna,Beyonce,和Katy Perry之后第五位female artist。Bravo
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    贫穷的 poor/ needy/ impoverished/ poverty - stricken
    有活力的 energetic/ dynamic/ animated
    健康的 healthy/ robust/ sound/ wholesome
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#新闻热词
    ①出境游 outbound trip 放松享受 relaxation and enjoyment 体验生物多样性 experience the biodiversity
    ②空城 ghost town 春运 Spring Festival travel rush 返程高峰 return peak
    China's major manufacturing hub Dongguan was rated China's top ghost town during the Spring Festival.
    ③单日票房记录 single-day box office record
    ④即时退税 real-time tax refund
    ⑤绍兴腐乳海外成网红 Shaoxing fermented bean curd
    老干妈辣椒酱 Lao Gan Ma chili sauce
  • Ricepanda:你的评论,呵呵
    半鸦儿: @Ricepanda
    Ricepanda: @半鸦儿 哈哈,不敢不敢,小小雅思老师一枚,互相学习
    半鸦儿: @Ricepanda
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    消极的,不良的 bad/ detrimental/ baneful/ undesirable
    美丽的 beautiful/ attractive/ gorgeous/ eye- catching
    积极的,好的 good/ conducive/ beneficial/ advantageous
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    明显的 obvious/ apparent/ evident/ manifest
    优秀的 excellent/ eminent/ top/ out - standing
    惊人的 surprising/ amazing / extraordinary/ miraculous
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    英语美食纪录片 must-see documentaryy
    BBC: Chocolate Perfection With Michel Roux Jr 深入巧克力世界
    Ainsley and Len's Big Food Adventure 美食大冒险
    Two Greedy Italians 两个贪吃的意大利人
    国家地理: Eat : The Story of Food 舌尖上的故事
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    剪纸 Chinese Paper Cutting
    Categories: beliefs and good wishes 信仰和美好祝愿
    daily life and sceneries 日常生活和风景
    literature classics 文学经典
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    Pay/make a New Year's call (New Year's visit; give New Year's greetings)
    万事如意 I hope everything goes your way.
    吉星高照 Good luck in the year ahead.
    心想事成 May all your wishes come true.
    岁岁平安 May you be safe and sound all year round.
    财源广进 May a river of gold flow into your pocket.
    名列前茅 I hope you always come first in examinations.
    鹏程万里 May you have a bright future.
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    Live like fighting cocks. 养尊处优
    Cock one's ear. 竖起耳朵👂专心听
    Fat hens lay few eggs. 肥鸡不下蛋
    A cock of the loft. 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王
    A black hen lays a white egg. 黑鸡生白蛋,丑妇生俊儿
    Don't count your chickens before they hatch. 别高兴太早
    🤓提到“公鸡”🐔时,最好用rooster,如鸡年出生: I was born in the year of rooster.
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    I have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life. The world, the place you live in, is the sick place. 病态的世界
    No scripts; no cue cards. It isn't always Shakespeare, but it's genuine. It's a life.

  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    Happy Chinese New Year!
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    身兼数职、大忙人: wear many hats
    To have more than one set of resposibilities
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    Transfer 转账
    Transaction 交易
    Total Asset 总资产
    Balance 余额
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    Life is short.Whether we live 20years or 100,our lives pass quickly. All the more reason to spend our life doing what we love.Since we never know how much time we have left,we should live each day as if it is our last-for it just may be.
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    Women's March in protest of the new president
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons 西游降魔篇
    be rushed /run off your feet
    up to one's ears
    be tied up
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    Donald Trump is officially the president of the United States.
    Trump sworn in,pledges 'American first'
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#瑞士达沃斯 世界经济论坛2017年年会 阿里巴巴集团加入奥林匹克全球合作伙伴赞助计划
    The International Olympic Committee(IOC) and Alibaba Group jointly announced a long-term partnership through 2028.Joining The Olympic Partner(TOP) worldwide sponsorship program,Alibaba will become the official "Cloud Services" and "E-Commerce Platform Services"Partner,as well as a Founding Partner of the Olympic Channel.
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    Year-end bonus : The workers expected to share out a year-end bonus.工人期望年终分红。
    Annual bonus: Each employee received a like Annual bonus.每个雇员都得到了一笔数目相同的年终奖金。
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    blockbuster 大片
    musical film 音乐片 science film 科普片 war film 战争片 swordsmen film 武侠片
    costume film 古装片 detective film 侦探片 affectional film 爱情片 action film 动作片 comedy 喜剧片 tragedy 悲剧片
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time.
    We are the ones we've been waiting for.
    We are the change that we seek.
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    快过年了,红包准备好了嘛🎈来看看权威的《牛津英语词典》(Oxford English Dictionary)收录的红包英译吧:
    Red Packet&Red Envelope
    Ang Pow闽南语音译,来自以英文为第一官方语言的新加坡(华人比例极高,许多华人都讲福建话)
    lucky money(可能来自音译广东话的“利是” lai see,通过香港的英文而为世界所知)
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    拖延症 患者
    drag one's feet 拖延、推迟 To deal with something slowly because you do not really want to do it.
    The government was dragging its feet on whether to leave the organization.
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#你是台前还是幕后?
    Pictures are just memories, I know how much people cherish them, so I was really glad I was able to do that for them.
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿的歌单#(怎么就这么机智呢,以后可以和大家分享好听的音乐了)
    Carla Bruni《you belong to me》: http://music.163.com/song/17086516/ 
    霉霉的U belong with me年轻人的欢脱,前法国第一夫人的这首歌多了分成熟
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    What happened?You lost your bottle?
    "lose your bottle"(bottle it)means "to lose your confidence and fail to do something, or decide not to do it."
    bottle 勇气,敢于冒险;瓶子
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    App application 你们平时倾向于读成什么
    LoL lough out loud
    VIP very important person
    ASAP as soon as possible
    TTYL talk to you later
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    分享:举个栗子哦创建的歌单「评论过10000 的欧美歌曲」: http://163.fm/4lesXhu7
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
  • 48382e484a35:感谢分享~
    半鸦儿: @龙古
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六# 金球奖
    A Golden Globe Award is an American accolade(荣誉) bestowed (授予)by the 93members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association every year, recognizing excellence in the film and television industries.
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.宁早三小时也不迟一分钟
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.
    You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.你不能坐等灵感,你得拿着棍棒穷追不舍。
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    To improve is to change,to be perfect is to change often.
    Believe you can,and you're halfway there.
    Hold up your head!Go forward with a joyful confidence.
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
    For last year's words belong to last year's language. And next year's words await another voice.- - T.S. Elot
  • b115722a1431:好
    半鸦儿: @而朝花夕拾
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    2017 is coming,are you ready for a brand new year?Do you have a New Year's resolution?
    The end of the year is a good time to reflect on how far you've come during the past 12 months. And,making a New Year's resolution is a good way to start off the coming year with the goal of improving yourself.
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    It was pretty exciting stuff - in fact just thinking about it,makes me want to jump on my bike and ride off right now!
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#《神探夏洛克4》今天更新了 The Six Thatchers
    The problems of your past are your business,the problems of your future are my privilege.
    Your lower the IQ of the whole street.
    Face the other way. You're putting me off.
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#歪果仁的奇葩新年习俗
    Spaniards eat a grape with each of the twelve chimes of the midnight countdown while making a wish.
    It is thought that throwing dishes on someone's doorstep on January 1st assures they will have many friends in the year ahead,in Denmark.
    Single women of Ireland place sprigs of mistletoe under their pillows on New Year's night in the hope that it will bring them better luck and a future husband.
  • 遇见alterable:谢谢但是听力怎么练啊
    半鸦儿: @遇见alterable
    半鸦儿: @遇见alterable
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六# the best books of 2016
    underground railroad《地下铁路》美国奴隶制
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#碰上扫兴的人要怎么说呢
    wet blanket “I was with Anne and she was being a real wet blanket. ”
    killjoy 把joy都杀掉了
    party pooper(大浪)
  • 半鸦儿:#半鸦儿陪你考四六#
    You cannot alter your fate. However, you can rise to meet it.
    命运是任何人无法改变的,但你可以面对它。——《幽灵公主》Princess Mononoke
    They say that the best blaze burns brightest when circumstances are at their worst.
    环境越是恶劣,火焰迸发得才最明亮 ——《哈尔的移动城堡》Howl's Moving Castle
    Everybody,try laughing. Then whatever scares you will go away!
    放声大笑吧,那些让你害怕的东西就会躲一边了!——《龙猫》My Neighbor Totoro

本文标题:一年刷完四六级|虽然有很多人写过了 但依然不容错过 (#半鸦儿陪
