女权新标志---华尔街对峙女孩 A Girl Stands Fi

女权新标志---华尔街对峙女孩 A Girl Stands Fi

作者: 陈功Kyle | 来源:发表于2017-03-16 22:15 被阅读0次

   国际妇女节的前一天,象征争取女性权利的新标志-----The Wall Street Girl 或者 defiant girl,在华尔街著名的进攻铜牛前落成。

   它是由华尔街杰出女性领导人Lori Heinel推出。Lori 供职于全球第三的资产管理公司道富投资管理公司 (SSGAState Street Global Advisors),管理超过2.5兆美元资产。

   Lori说:美国市值最大的上市公司(罗素3000)董事会成员中,四分之一竟然没有女性。华尔街最著名的标志是进攻铜牛,如果有一个女性形象来对抗甚至俯视铜牛,那么一定会引起关注。即便只是一个小女孩,但她坚定的立场就表明了积极进取、勇敢挑战,逆转局势。来源 《A $2.5 trillion asset manager just put a statue of a defiant girl in front of the Wall Street bull》




  古今中外有无数的勇者,无论男女。他们为争取幸福和自由而斗争,始于保护私产却极大地推进了人类文明。圣女贞德、‘Black Lives Matter' protest 无不是从一名女性的坚守到局势改变。当然还有坦克前的勇士,让人肃然起敬!



华盛顿韩战纪念馆有句名言Freedom is not free(自由来之不易)

翻译 简评文章

《A Girl Stands Firm on Wall Street》一个女孩坚定站立在华尔街

There’s currentlya bronze statue of a little girlstanding in front of the charging bull on Wall Street.


It really does have a great look — all the laws of mass and motion aside, you feel pretty confident the bull is going to wind up backing down. And it reminds you that while marching is important, sometimes you can make a difference by standing still.


The Wall Street girl celebrates all the people who resisted by staying in place. A little bit to the north one of my all-time favorite heroines, Elizabeth Jennings Graham, won a place in history by refusing to move an inch. An African-American schoolteacher, Graham was on her way to play the organ at a church service in 1854, when her streetcar’s conductor demanded she get off and wait for a car for colored people.

华尔街女孩象征所有通过坚守原则去抵抗的人们。往北走一点(纪念地:纽约海关大楼)便有我一生中最敬佩的女英雄-----Elizabeth Jennings Graham,Graham因为寸步不移而名垂青史(抵制歧视,有色人种不能和白人一起乘公交)。她是一名非裔美籍老师,1854年在去教堂演奏管风琴路上,被乘务员要求下车,等待乘坐有色人种专用车。

Unlike the little bronze girl on Wall Street, she did not stand up and put her hands on her hips, since that would have facilitated her removal. She stayed sitting, hugging the window, until she was dragged away kicking. She found a lawyer, filed a lawsuit, won the suit, and gave New York City integrated mass transportation a century before Rosa Parks held her ground.

Graham并不能像如今的华尔街女孩一样,她无法站立,因为双手叉腰更容易被拖走。当年的她一动也不动的坐着,抓住车窗,直到最后挣扎着被拖走。Graham找律师起诉并赢得诉讼,这让纽约市在公交上(公交无歧视)早于蒙哥马利一百年(1955年Rosa Parks抵制公交歧视运动,1957年有了空降兵保护小石城黑人学生)。

Marches are a great demonstration of solidarity: How many people will be telling their grandchildren they were at the women’s march after the Trump inauguration? But the little girl is a nice reminder that even if a crowd isn’t available, you have to do what you can. Even if it means standing down a bull, or refusing to get off a trolley.


The Wall Street Girl的坚定站立,用中国话就是“勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之”

最后附照华尔街杰出的女性领导人Lori Heinel




    本文标题:女权新标志---华尔街对峙女孩 A Girl Stands Fi
