有独立思考能力的人,绝不轻易相信别人 Independent-minded people reject to swallow ideas of others

On the afternoon of March 3, the Fifth Session of the 12th National Committee of CPPCC opened at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. After the meeting, Cui Yongyuan, a CPPCC member, received the interview from the media. When he was asked, "Howe would you rate your performance in the past few years?” He answered with smiles, “I give myself 100 points.” At the same time, he pointed out that young people should have the independent thinking capacity and should take ideas or advice of others with a grain of salt.
Mr. Cui is a famous celebrity and his idea can easily resonate with (引起共鸣) many people, thus transmitting some positive energy and attracting the closer attention from others who will pore over (深入思考) his advice.
However, “taking the advice of others with a grain of salt” does not mean you turn a deaf ear or a blind eye to the ideas and advice of others. As a matter of course, we are supposed not to swallow the advice or ideas of others at any time. Even if the ideas or advice given by others are correct, we should also give it a comprehensive analysis and interpretation, reasonably judge whether they stand to reason (合乎道理或情理), whether they are reliable or kind of misleading or phony.
Once we accept the ideas and suggestions of this kind of people, we are bound to be taken in or bamboozled or spoofed, so we are sure to come to grief (倒霉;遭受不幸;失败). So we are required to have the strong ability to judge right and wrong and weigh the advantages and disadvantages. When we find the implicit misleading information in ideas of others, we are to make a correct choice: to adopt and discard them with a critical eye. Remember to keep a good distance from others even though they give you ideas or advice.
In this regard, any one of us should cultivate and gradually develop “the independent thinking ability”. If you lack this ability and are a soft touch (易被说服者/欺骗者; 软耳根子的人) by nature, you have no doubts in easily accepting the ideas and advice of others and decide upon something or take an action without analyzing and reasonably identifying them. As a result, your plan or action just backfires (事与愿违), or you may sustain heavy losses and just lose out in the end.
Only when the young people cultivate good habits of thinking ingeniously can they take the ideas and advice of others with a grain of salt. The so-called “independent thinking” calls for your full consideration of the key elements so that you can figure out the ins and outs of the matter and then think logically about it by drawing on, integrating and analyzing the ideas and advice of others so as to clarify and identify the problem-solving methods, eliminate interference factors and the negative impact and come to your own conclusion.
A fledgling man full of sap tends to be seized by a whim on the spur of the moment to act hastily without the independent thinking ability and listening attentively to the ideas and advice from others as the butt rules the mind, so the result is predictable. Such a young man can easily fall into a stereotyped pattern “the arrogant man just play by heart; a lofty and unyielding man acts by following his own ingenious conception.” So such a rash man is sure to repeatedly suffer the blow of failures.
Xiao Nie has the well-to-do parents, but he was preoccupied with something else instead of his studies in school years with the unsatisfactory scores so that he was not allowed the access to a junior college. His parents found no better way to deal with him, so they had to pull strings (走私人关系;走后门)to send him to the army where he didn’t get anywhere but only associated with (与…交往) some sworn followers.
After he was demobilized from the army and got back home, he was lucky enough in landing a decent job in ICBC because his parents took a short cut through social connections. His sworn followers were all green with envy, thinking that he had good luck and was blessed by god.
Bankers are highly paid, so his college made good use of every minute to learn financial knowledge and improve the bank business skills, but he was obsessed with odd ideas to drum up some business. What’s worse, his sworn followers fed him with temptations from time to tome, showing off their windfall for having engaged in the business.
In 2000, ICBC had the poor business performance, so its head office adopted a measure for increasing efficiency by downsizing employees and giving them the buy-out offer to support themselves. Regardless of the opposition from his parents and the kind advice from his colleagues, he was deluded by his sworn followers and resolutely decided to accept the buy-out offer (买断工龄) and the lump-sum severance pay(一次性遣散费), quite satisfied to engage in business. He had the dream that some day he could have the life of the rich, feeling greatly flattered.
Three years later, almost all his lump-sum severance pay went down the drain(付之东流;化为乌有;打水漂了), and Xiao Nie still got nothing in his hands (两手空空). None of his sworn followers were willing to giving him a helping hand to tide over the difficulty. Now he looks like another person without the previous state of mind. To crown it all (更糟糕的是;尤其是), his business went from bad to worse, so later he closed it outright without doing anything at all but stayed at home to live off his parents(啃老).
I bet Xiao Nie must be quite regretful. If he had not swallowed the advice of his sworn followers but had followed the advice of his parents and accept the ideas of his colleagues without quitting his job from ICBC, and paid more attention to the improvement of his business capacity, he would have a steady life and he would have made rapid advances in his career, and sure he would be highly admired and respected by others.
Anyone must pay attention to their self-cultivation, shape their moral character, cultivate their ability to analyze and solve problems, particularly the independent thinking ability. On the other hand, you’d better pool the wisdom of others, carefully size up the ideas and advice of others, weigh up the pros and cons and look carefully before you leap to ensure your decision has the higher odds with less and less fault. As long as you can take the ideas and advice of others with a grain of salt and also have the strong independent thinking ability, you can make fewer mistakes and do fewer stupid things.