
作者: 橘子琦遇记 | 来源:发表于2019-04-04 23:17 被阅读8次
Everybody’s looking for the future.They're never in the present.So when they arrive at the future,it's not there for them because they’re not present for it.

How was your feeling when you saw these sentence?

Yes,I agree with these opinions,maybe because of what a present time was in my front in past years,I didn’t cherish it.

I remind another sentence.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it’s called the present!

A friend told me.these sentence looks like a bowl chicken soup, and it is so difficult to get.

Yes, I can understand her feelings. I also understand me that I like to find lots of excuses for refusing to do it.

So,times soon passed by,I usually feel curiously and a little sad.

If you have so many dreams, you must so younger.

For me, I feel I already have no enough right to have a dream.it looks very passitive. Actually I think I am enough strong,so I also have SOME dreams,it’s some not a. I need to cherish the present day.


(I'm practicing my English. thank you for your forgiving eyes.)


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