
艾米莉亚-布恩(TW推特网):@AMELIABOONE,AMELIABOONERACING.COM) 被称为障碍物比赛运动(OCR)界的迈克尔乔丹和公认的障碍物比赛运动的大满贯。自这项运动诞生以来,她已经获得30多个冠军并且50多次登上领奖台。在2012年的世界最强泥人比赛中,比赛要持续24小时(她跑了90英里,约145公里,和300个障碍物)。在超过1,000位参赛者的整场比赛中,她获得了第二名,而且80%是男选手,获得第一名的那个人仅比她快了8分钟。她最主要的荣誉是获得斯巴达勇士比赛 Spartan Race 的世界冠军和斯巴达勇士精英比赛系列 Spartan Race Elite Point Series 的冠军,而且他还是唯一一位获得三次(2012, 2014, 2015)世界最强泥人比赛的冠军。其中,在2014年获得冠军的那一次,是她在膝关节手术八周后获得的。艾米莉亚也是一个3次完成死亡终极者比赛的挑战者,她的全职工作是苹果公司的咨询律师,而她会利用其余的空闲时间去参加极限跑步运动(她是The Western States ® 100-Mile Endurance Run —一项极限跑步运动的资格参赛者)

· “你想在广告牌上写点什么内容”

· ”艾米莉亚买东西最多只花100美元或者更少吗?”
· 最好的礼物或者推荐的书

Mark Danielewski 的《House of Leaves 》这本书:“你应该去读这本书,因为这本书有些部分你需要倒着去读。而且还有些地方,当你读的时候会原地打转,也就是会回到你原来刚开始读的地方…这是一本完全有感官体验的书。
> 水解明胶 + 甜菜根粉 :以前我喜欢服用动物明胶来修复结缔组织(结缔组织主要起到:支持,连接,保护,营养等功能,如肌腱,韧带,流体状的血液,软骨等都属于结缔组织)。但是因为明胶和冷水混合后形状比较恶心,所以我也就没有一直坚持使用。最后,还是艾米莉亚介绍了一种绿色的方法给我,这种方法容易搅拌混合且形成的混合物也很顺滑,这才让我可以吃的下去,继而也就保护了我的关节以免受损。这种方法是加一大汤勺的甜菜根粉就像BeetElite(一种天然绿色的非转基因的甜菜根粉),这样就可以避开任何cow-hoof(一种狗狗可以咀嚼的食物)的味道,这确实是一种新的制作方法。艾米莉亚在比赛和训练之前都会使用 BeetElite 来增强身体的耐久力,但我喜欢harder-core (类似我们有人喜欢吃饭,而不喜欢喝粥一样,但这里主要是与流体食物相对),所以当我比较胖的时候,我就用 BeetElite 制作甜果馅饼,低糖的橡皮熊软糖来满足我对甜食的渴望。

> 实心滚筒:想象一下当高硬度泡沫轴(肌肉放松按摩泡沫轴,也叫瑜伽柱)遇到巨型卡车轮胎时会发什么。我对于瑜伽柱不是很了解,但这折磨的人东西对我的身体恢复有立竿见影的效果(如果你在睡觉之前用它,也会改善你的睡眠质量)。警告️:刚开始用的时候请慢一点!我第一次使用的时候,一上来就试着去模仿艾米莉亚的动作而且一持续就是20多分钟。以至于我第二天感觉就像自己被放进睡袋里然后靠在一个树上摇晃了几个小时(感觉整个人都在摇晃)

> 将你的脚放在一个高尔夫球上,然后转动你的脚与球做相对运动,这样做能提高你的腿后腱的灵活性。用高尔夫球锻炼的效果要明显比用曲棍球锻炼的效果好得多。但请你在锻炼前先用一块毛巾垫在球的下面,以免滚动的球打到你狗狗的眼睛。

> Concept2 SkiErg 当你的下半身受损时,用Concept2 SkiErg(室内滑雪机) 锻炼,有助于你的恢复。在艾米莉亚做完膝盖手术后,她用这个低强度的健身器进行锻炼,保证了她的心血管耐力达到之前的水平,而且还在术后8周赢得了2014年的世界最强泥人 World’s Toughest Mudder 的冠军。凯利·斯塔雷特(第122页)也非常喜欢这个健身器材。

> 针灸:在我没有遇到艾米莉亚之前,我根本没有听说过针灸。针灸疗法的目的不是让你去感觉针的本身,在针灸疗法中当你将针插入你隆起的肌肉时,你就会感到阵痛和肌肉抽搐,而这种现象的发生就是一种释放。针灸常常被用来治疗肌肉僵硬和肌肉萎缩,而针并不会留在肌肉里。除非你是一个受虐狂者,否则你不会将针插入你的小腿(估计作者试过,知道这种感觉就像你被两个人摁住不能动弹,然后他们还使劲地挠你痒痒,此时估计你是哭笑不得吧,哈哈)。

> 桑拿对耐力的作用:艾米莉亚已经发现蒸桑拿可以提高她的耐力,而这个概念也被其他的几个运动员证实过,其中包括七次获得美国国家自行车计时赛冠军的大卫·扎布瑞斯基 David Zabriskie 。他认为蒸桑拿是一种更加实用的代替高海拔模拟帐篷的训练。在2005年环法自行车上,大卫·扎布瑞斯基 David Zabriskie 赢得了计时赛第一阶段的冠军,这也使得他成为第一个在三个 Grand Tour (欧洲三大职业自行车赛包括:环法 Tour de France, 环意 Giro d'Italia , 环西班牙Vuelta a España)上都获得阶段性冠军的美国人。扎布瑞斯基击败兰斯·阿姆斯特朗 Lance Armstrong 以秒计时然后换算成时速为 54.676 km/h!我现在一个礼拜至少蒸四次桑拿。为了找到最好的蒸桑拿方案,我咨询了另一位博客嘉宾朗达·帕特里克 Rhonda Patrick。她的回答见本书的第7页(即下一篇嘉宾简介)。

· 当你听到“成功”这个词时,你会想到谁?
“Triple H(保罗·莱维斯克 Paul Levesque 原来在美国职业摔角赛用的名字 Hunter Hearst Helmsley)【从一个运动员华丽转变成一位企业的管理者,现在是WWE 首席运营官,但已退居幕后】就是一个很好的例子。保罗·莱维斯克 Paul Levesque”(见第128页)

> 艾米莉亚将果酱馅饼作为例行比赛前早餐的一部分。
> 她的未破双跳记录是423个,这个记录着实让所有 CrossFitter (一个健身体系里的会员)钦佩不已。但他们不知道的是:在三年级的时候她就是州跳绳冠军了,而且跳出423个的记录是因为当时她实在忍不住要上厕所,要不然肯定不止这么多。
> 艾米莉亚喜欢在下雨天和冬天的时候训练跑步,因为她想将自己置身于最不利的情形之下,这样的训练使得她能更具有强复原能力。
> 她在轻唱方面也很有天赋,而且她还是华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校 Greenleafs 的成员。
本文嘉宾 Amelia Boone 艾米莉亚·布恩是一位极限跑步运动的爱好者,而且是世界障碍极限跑步比赛的大满贯,三次获得世界斯巴达勇士比赛的冠军,最重要人家还是位女性(以上比赛基本上男性占了绝大多数)。
本文中介绍了Amelia Boone 的一些生活和训练的小窍门与策略,其中有可以用来增强结缔组织的 BeetElite ,有提高睡眠质量的 RumbleRoller 肌肉放松按摩泡沫轴 ,有用来脚底按摩的高尔夫球,还有锻炼下身机能的滑雪机,最后介绍的针灸和桑拿对于我们中国人来说应该不陌生。
“When I let go of what I am . I become what I might be.”
— Lao Tzu
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
— J·Krishnamurti
“In the end , winning is sleeping better.”
—Jodie Foster
“I’m not the strongest. I’m not the fastest . But I’m really good at suffering.”
Amelia Boone(TW:@AMELIABOONE, AMELIABOONERACING.COM) has been called “the Michael Jordan of obstacle course racing” (OCR) and is widely considered the word’s most decorated obstacle racer. Since the inception of the sport, she’s amassed more than 30 victories and 50 podiums. In the 2012 World’s Toughest Mudder competition, which lasts 24 hours (she covered 90 miles and ~300 obstacles). She finished second OVERALL out of more than 1,000 competitors, 80% of whom were male. The one person who beat her finished just 8 minutes ahead of her. Her major victories include the Spartan Race World Championship and the Spartan Race Elite Point Series , and she is the only three- time winner of the World’s Toughest Mudder(2012, 2014, and 2015). She won the 2014 championship 8 weeks after knee surgery . Amelia is also a three-time finisher of the Death Race, a full-time attorney at Apple, and she dabbles in ultra running (qualified for the Western States 100) in all of her spare time.
Spirit animal:Carp
· What would you put on a billboard?
“No one owes you anything.”
· Amelia’s best $100 or less purchase?
Manuka honey bandages. Amelia has scars all over her shoulders and back from barbed-wire wounds.
· Most-gifted or recommended book
House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski: “This is a book that you have to hold , because there are parts of it where you need to turn it upside down to read it. There are certain pages where , you are reading it , and it turns in a circle …This is a book that’s an entire sensory experience.”
> Hydrolyzed gelatin + beet root powder:I’ve consumed gelatin for connective tissue repair in the past. I’ve never stuck with it long term because gelatin takes on a seagull poo-like texture when mixed into cold water. Amelia saved my palate and joints by introducing me to the Great Lakes hydrolyzed version (green label ),which blends easily and smoothly. Add a tablespoon of beet root powder like BeetElite to stave off any cow-hoof flavor, and ti’s a new game. Amelia uses BeeElite pre-race and pre-training for its endurance benefits, but I’m much harder-core:I use it to make tart, low-carb gummy bears when fat Tim has carb cravings.
> RumbleRoller: Think foam roller meets monster-truck tire. Foam rollers have historically done very little for me , but this torture device had an immediate positive impact on my recovery. (It also helps you sleep if used before bed. ) Warning: Start slow. I tried to copy Amelia and did 20-plus minutes my fist session. The next day , I felt like I’s been put in a sleeping bag and swung against a tree for a few hours.
> Rolling your foot on top of a golf ball on the floor to increase “hamstring” flexibility. This is infinitely more helpful than a lacrosse ball. Put a towel on the floor underneath the golf ball, lest you shoot your dog’s eye out .
> Concept2 SkiErg for training when your lower body is injured. After knee surgery, Amelia used this low-impact machine to maintain cardiovascular endurance and prepare for the 2014 World’s Toughest Mudder , which she won 8 weeks post-op. Kelly Starrett (page 122) is also a big fan of this device.
> Dry needling:I’d never heard of this before meeting Amelia. “[In acupuncture] the goal is not to feel the needle. In dry-needing, you are sticking the needle in the muscle belly and trying to get it to twitch , and the twitch is the release.” It’s used for super-tight, over-contracted muscles, and the needles are not left in. Unless you’re a masochist , don’t have this done on your calves.
> Sauna for endurance: Amelia has found using a sauna improves her endurance , a concept that has since been confirmed by several other athletes, including cyclist David Zabriskie, seven-time U.S. National Time Trial Championship winner. He considers sauna training a more practical replacement for high-altitude simulation tents. In the 2005 Tour de France, Dave won the Stage 1 time trial , making him the first American to win stages in all three Grand Tours. Zabriskie beat Lance Armstrong by seconds , clocking an average speed of 54.676 kilometers per hour (!).I now use a sauna at least four times per week .To figure out the best protocols , I asked another podcast guest, Rhonda Patrick. Her response is on page 7.
· Who do you think of when you hear the word “successful”?
“Triple H is a great example [of someone who’s transitioned extremely well from athlete to business executive]. So, Paul Levesque.”(see page128.)
> Amelia eats Pop-Tarts as part of her ritual pre-competition breakfast.
> Her record for unbroken double-unders (passing a jump rope under your feet twice with one jump) is 423 , and is thus able to impress all CrossFitters. Unbeknownst to them, she was a state jump rope champion in third grade. Also unbeknownst to them, she ended at 423 because she had to pee so badly that she peed her pants.
> Amelia loves doing training runs in the rain and cold , as she knows her competition is probably opting out . This is example of “rehearsing the worst-case scenario” to become more resilient (see page 474).
> She is a gifted a cappella singer and was part of the Greenleafs group at Washington University in St.Louis.
中文名 —— 《巨人的工具》
—— 蒂莫西.费里斯 (Tim Ferriss)著