[第148次听写]什么叫schwa sound?

[第148次听写]什么叫schwa sound?

作者: Wind教口语 | 来源:发表于2017-11-14 10:11 被阅读57次


我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟电影, 已经坚持4个月了. 你想不想找一种不那么痛苦的方式提升自己的听力? 跟我一起每天听写电影吧!


I'm gonna try to get home by six.

gonna重读的话是读[ˈɡɔnə], 弱读的话是读['ɡənə].

今天的听写中有很多处gonna, 可以好好注意一下这个词, 非常高频, 在不同的句子里去听懂它, 认识它, 感受它, 熟悉它.

我第一次知道[ə]这个音叫做schwa sound的时候, 我纳闷为什么只有这个音有个名字呢?

后来明白了, 因为这个看似非常容易的音其实是一个很难的音.

不是说发准它难, 而是说几乎所有的单元音如果想要弱读, 都可以弱读为schwa, 从而对听力造成巨大的障碍, 所以我想它才有了一个属于自己的名字吧.

有童鞋会把gonna和gotta混淆, 这两个一定得区分开, 不然你会误解说话人的意思.


从第141篇开始, 我不再放出我自己听写的版本, 而是改为在答案上标记重难点, 大家特别注意一下我加粗的地方.

1 I'm gonna try to get home by six.

2 I'm gonna stop by a brokerage firm after work.

3 for what?

4 I wanna see about a job there.

5 yeah? what job?

6 you know, when I...

7 when I was a kid, I could go through a math book in a week.

8 So I'm gonna go see about the, a job they got down there

9 what job?

10 stock broker.

11 stock broker?

12 yeah.

13 not an astronaut?

14 don't talk to me like that, Linda.

15 I'm gonna go down to see about this.

16 and I'm gonna do it during the day.

17 uh huh

18 you should probably do your sales calls.

19 I don't need you to tell me about my sales calls, Linda

20 I got 3 of them before the damn office is even open

21 do you remember that the rent is due next week?

22 probably not.

23 we're already two months behind.

24 next, next week, we'll owe 3 months.

25 I've been pulling double shifts for, for 4 months now, Chris.

26 just, just sell what's in your contract. get us out of that business.

27 Linda, that is what I am trying to do.

28 this is what I'm trying to do for my family, for you and for Christopher.

29 what's the matter with you?

30 Linda. linda.



    本文标题:[第148次听写]什么叫schwa sound?
