旁白:It is a lovely bright, sunny day. Peppa and her family are going for a picnic! Daddy Pig is bringing the picnic basket.
爸爸:Picnic-blanket, bread, cheese, tomatoes and lemonade. Is there anything we've forgotten?
佩奇:Mummy's strawberry cake!
爸爸:I was just teasing! Mummy's home-made strawberry cake is there, too. Is everybody ready?
爸爸:Then let's go!
爸爸:This looks like just the spot for our picnic!
爸爸:It's great to be outdoors! We should run around a bit and get some exercise!
妈妈:I want to eat, then have a nap. I certainly don't want to run around.
佩奇:Maybe Daddy should run around a bit. His tummy is quite big.
爸爸:My tummy is not big. But later, I will get some exercise, even if no one else does.
妈妈:Let's eat!
爸爸:Good idea, Mummy Pig! I'm really hungry!
爸爸:Hmmm... delicious!
爸爸:Ahhhhh! I feel quite sleepy!
妈妈:I thought you wanted to run around a bit, Daddy Pig?
佩奇:Look! There's a little duck pond!
佩奇:Mummy, can we feed the ducks?
妈妈:Yes, you can feed them the rest of the bread.
旁白:Peppa and George love feeding bread to ducks.
佩奇:Mummy, I think they want some more.
妈妈:That was the last of the bread. I'm sure they've had enough.
佩奇:Sorry, Mrs. Duck, We've no more bread.
旁白:The ducks want more food.
妈妈:So much for Daddy Pig and his exercise!
爸爸:Eh? what?
妈妈:You lot again! Peppa told you; there's no more bread!
佩奇:Mummy, we do have strawberry cake!
妈妈:Well, if there's any cake left over, you can give it to the ducks.
旁白:Everyone likes Mummy Pig's home-made strawberry cake!
妈妈:Eeek! A wasp! I hate wasps! Shooooo!
爸爸:What a fuss, Mummy Pig! It's only a little wasp!
妈妈:Go away, wasp!
爸爸:Just stay still, Mummy Pig. Then it will fly away.
爸爸:There! You see, all you had to do is stay still!
爸爸:Eh! Get away! Scram! Whoa...Help! Whooooaaa! Shhooo! Get it off me! Whoooa! Arrgh!
佩奇:I hope the wasp doesn't sting Daddy.
爸爸:Whooa! Get away, you little pest!"
妈妈:No, Daddy is running too fast for the wasp to catch him.
爸爸:Whoooa! Arrgh! Shooo!
佩奇:Let's eat our cake before the wasp comes back.
佩奇:Oh, no! we forgot to leave any for the ducks!
爸爸:I think I lost it!
妈妈:You said you would run around and get some exercise, Daddy Pig! But I didn't believe you'd do it!
爸爸:Luckily, I managed to hang on to my slice of strawberry cake!
佩奇:Stop, Daddy! We promised the rest of the cake for the ducks!
佩奇:You are very lucky ducks. Say ''thank you'' to Daddy Pig.
爸爸:You're most welcome.
妈妈:It's time to go home. Say goodbye to the ducks.
佩奇:Bye bye, ducks. See you next time!